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Author Topic: Taggers notifycation  (Read 3597 times)

Frozen Mind

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Taggers notifycation
« on: December 23, 2009, 05:43:15 pm »

If you exit map, and someone tagged you and accept to follow, you have colored messages in a console:
If he's tagged red - you have red message he's following you (the higher priority - checked before not tagged);
If he's not tagged - you yellow text he's following you (the lower priority - checked after "reds");
If he's tagged green - no message in a text box - could be colored normally (green), but it would only spam a console - especially after encounters, when leader has high charisma.
Re: Taggers notifycation
« Reply #1 on: December 23, 2009, 10:53:31 pm »

If you're too stupid, or not paying enough attention to see that someone is following you then it's your own fault.
Think of it as someone following you home, you're too stupid to see him so he finds out where you live.

Frozen Mind

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Re: Taggers notifycation
« Reply #2 on: December 24, 2009, 12:09:47 am »

Personally, I like this followers, because it's a good way to own new equipment. Well... Except unarmed kind I used to drop. So now it's the majority :( .

But you might heard about planned Scout profession. It's a follower, who tracks you. Not a junkie who steps few feet behind with metal armor and Minigun hidden under the blue pajama. Obviously guys who get killed with that simple trick are unexperienced, drunk, tired (distracted) or too much self-confident. I wouldn't call them stupid, really :) .


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Re: Taggers notifycation
« Reply #3 on: December 24, 2009, 12:30:53 am »

Delamore: If I fell out from the boat and drown that's my fault and my problem, same here. Yet some people use things like life belts and I don't see why you couldn't use any help if you want it (especially if you want it).
Re: Taggers notifycation
« Reply #4 on: December 24, 2009, 03:04:46 am »

If you're too stupid, or not paying enough attention to see that someone is following you then it's your own fault.
Think of it as someone following you home, you're too stupid to see him so he finds out where you live.
Good thinking, batman! Everybody who's been stalked was just too damn stupid to not be followed.

Seriously though, I think it's a good idea. The whole group system is a bit shaky, there's gotta be a better system than a small yellow v that blends into the background. Surely we can integrate name colour changes? If someone's on your team, they're blue. Something like that.
Re: Taggers notifycation
« Reply #5 on: March 21, 2010, 05:18:16 pm »

But it is really quite unrealistic, that someone follow you in a group, with you as a leader, and you doesn't have to accept this, even if it is blubber or physicx, who followed you few times already and is marked as unfriend. However, I always use best way to protect myself against unwanted followers - I have 1 CH :P.
"I am the lord of the wastelands, A modern day man of steel,
I gather darkness to please me, and I command you to kneel
before the
God of Thunder and rock'n'roll"
- KiSS "God of Thunder", wastelanders anthem
Re: Taggers notifycation
« Reply #6 on: March 21, 2010, 05:32:02 pm »

a small yellow v that blends into the background
I can see that small "v" only if turning off nicknames (F6), because players' names overlaying this sign.

Frozen Mind

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Re: Taggers notifycation
« Reply #7 on: March 21, 2010, 05:39:48 pm »

Generally about whole thing: I've just heard too much cries from newbies (and hate for such cunning bastards). Surly it's a way of natural selection for further players and it gives a lesson for new gamers about 'Wasteland, trust and sobriety'.

Personally all taggers I took with my characters were only brought to traps or tests of base security, however I can still remember that too sleepy member of my faction leaded a tagger to the base. Fortunately bullets took care of him.

There are some things that makes tagger undetected like big client/server lag plus tag given in last seconds before leaving town and click in the last seconds before window with buttons will disappear. If someone has tent/base too close to the city and is in hurry he could be easily raped.
Re: Taggers notifycation
« Reply #8 on: March 21, 2010, 05:46:51 pm »

There are some things that makes tagger undetected like big client/server lag plus tag given in last seconds before leaving town and click in the last seconds before window with buttons will disappear. If someone has tent/base too close to the city and is in hurry he could be easily raped.
Sure, I once left NCR, watched at party list for 1-2 seconds, then started to drink juice, and in like 5 seconds Forrest or Blubber appeared im my party list...


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Re: Taggers notifycation
« Reply #9 on: March 23, 2010, 09:41:01 pm »

+1 for Frozen. I fell for this only once during this mid-wipe era  ;), but still it is damn irritating to wait for 5sec and double-check my party list EVERYTIME I leave NCR, just to be sure no exploiters tagged me. Like I wouldn't noticed some idiot stalking me from 1 meter distance.
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