No PvP? wait, this is dream of most regular player of fonline! hurray. now we can do what we want, maybe even enjoy atmospere in cities on north.. Seriously, all PvP gangs are on TLA, because 2238 was boring for long time and players, who still played this, were banned (=is not it irony?). TLA is mostly in Russian lang, but it is not as hard as it looks, many of things you can do withou knoledge of cyrilic. And engl. will be implemented more.. And if you need some help, PM me. TLA have many good ideas that could be implemented in 2238 (visible base that you could place where you want), less crafting than action (most stuff you get thru farming), lvl cap at 36,... . I am very grateful for TLA, because it is competitive project for 2238. We did not though it could be funny, but it is. Who knows if the gangs will return, the base map is so awesome P.S.:FOCD (autoaimer) is legal feature there, not demonic cheat
P.S.:FOCD (autoaimer) is legal feature there, not demonic cheat
TLA is mostly (-mostly) in Russian lang
And english nicks (change to all nicks) are shot on sight on TLA.
I like the idea of bases being viewable on the map to the public... at least for bigger gangs / bases. This would force the gangs to actively patrol their base or have mercs guard