Other > Suggestions
Gimme My Exploration!
Mr Feltzer:
Lol I Suggested this at the Beggining of '09. IT was shot down.. Epicly XD Good Luck.
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Hmm. Perhaps suggestions as to discoverable areas?
-Mine (This is a given for most) : You discover a mine of variable quality and size, some ranging from small caves to hundred-meter long mine shafts. The quality of the ore/minerals within being randomized, too. Perhaps other things being minable, like uranium. Most mines (or all, discuss) should have a limited shelf-life, as in: the presented materials should exist only in certain quantities. Maybe some are so vast, the quantities seeming limitless (but still with a cap when the mine runs dry, just a really high cap). Some mines may be found with 'occupants', which many are familiar with in the form of those big worms, Deathclaws, raiders or a cannibal clan. Just a little PvE to make things not so boring. Perhaps, even, miners already living there. Upon discovery, you either wipe them out (Bad!) or talk them into staying, giving you a percentage of their mined material while also providing a presence that helps keep an eye and defend the place.
More could probably be done with this as well, but that is just a quick overview from the top of me brain.
Yes, a quest to access a mine would be great, as I suggested in the same topic you quoted Mickelh139 in. You would fine one as a random encounter, pretty rare, but not too rare. And the more options you have of doing the quest, the better, peaceful or non-peaceful.
And also, as I said, there should be a terminal in an abandoned house in the mine encounter that allows you to let about 5 or so people be able to see it.
I've been playing around with a similiar idea to interconnect all the cities and map locations with a Road system, which would just be a series of different encounters that you move thru instead of using the world map. The purpose of the Road system is just to give the game world a sense of Persistance.
No need for a terminal, as the locations (as all of mine are) will be viewable from World Map after a certain amount of time.
Speaking of that : The times will vary. Just some locations are going to be able to be kept secret longer than others, with some factors determined by the condition of the discovery. A mine with miners is just going to become known faster than if it was an entirely empty one guarded by critters. And some might not due to having to gain... recognition over time, such as a traders outpost location. The NPCs might influence this, as well. Said miners might not pay you a tithe, instead requiring the reverse: They keep mining, but ask for so many caps at random intervals, bribes in essence, to not blab and attract even more people (world map visibility).
Also, these aren't 'quests' per se, but more... hmm. Ventures. Possibly profitable looting, exploring, and exploitation(in the normal sense, not gamer-abuse sense) of a said resource no matter what it may be.
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