Other > Suggestions

Gimme My Exploration!

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--- Quote from: Michaelh139 on August 25, 2010, 12:53:04 am ---It would be awesome if you could have a random/rare event where you can encounter a Mine and keep it on Worldmap and either suck it dry or sell it to someone else....  epic...

--- End quote ---

I want this for many other map locations...

Traveling, find forest map, explore (as in my dream, they are 3-5 maps together, interconnected like Hub), and if there is something interesting, you camp. 

Except, I mean a little literally, you break camp there and live.  Hopefully you got a radio to call in some friends to the map, or slaves.  Either way, it requires someone to stay there and keep the encounter alive.  After finding a special location there, someone goes to the (nearest?) town/city and talks(buys) some slaves or civilians into going there.  Both methods function the same maybe, or perhaps a caravan is set up with you showing them the way. Either way, you get workers or settlers to go to the location of your choosing.  What kind of things can start there is location dependent on what you found (Old Mine, gas station, junkyard... could be anything.  :P  ). 

After the Encounter Map has been open for so long, the circle goes 'live' on the World Map, and is like any Gordons Gas Station, Theme Park, or V15.  It might be out of the way, or it might be in the mountains near New Reno, it should happen almost anywhere though certain terrain types should have more likelihood of finding particular Locations than others.

Advantages: Locations, began by players with the profit of having a possible new trader, minor mining area they are alone privy to, or maybe a gas station that has MFC production facilities (remember, they were just instituting them there fusion-powered cars before The War.  The gas stations would have to be altered to tend to that kind of market.  Maybe, lucky you, you found one of those rare fusion stations.  8) )

They are not entirely 'dynamic' other than you discovering and supplying the area with some npcs to get it started, who will already follow a preset(or predetermined) trader type or dialog after they are sent/brought there.

But this idea is very rough.  Discuss.
And before its brought up, yes, I know it will be PK-swarmed, maybe quite easily depending on its location and how widely known it is.  We can assume this for almost ANYTHING, so try not to harp on that, as it happens anyway in normal towns.

They are not entirely 'dynamic' other than you discovering and supplying the area with some npcs to get it started, who will already follow a preset(or predetermined) trader type or dialog after they are sent/brought there. I HOPE implementation is not an issue but you can never be sure in these types of matters.

-This could be considered as another form of 'spelunking', as instead of caves, you get to explore some mountainsides, forests, sea-shores, city ruins or... whatever.

it sounds like something out of a dream really, you have a more of an airtight plan with it, but maybe also allow some "special locations" where you can deploy a tent as well, however with about 2 map areas with non-respawnable resources. It could be acessible for 24 RL hours after you find it and have a limit of finding one every 24 hours, this will give you some time to move your gear into the second map and deploy your tent on the first map, this would bypass the dynamic maps bit, and having only red grids in the second maps and green and red grids on the first map

Like maybe 30 ores and 15 minerals and about 15 trees and a small "abandoned" & infested logging cabin or something along the lines of it.

It would be interesting to see some form of freakish areas, like an empty abandoned bombshelter complementing your tent, or a dilapidated deployed mobile-lab just for the sheer aesthetics really and having the capabilities to swap it out wih your tent after carrying your hard earned loot to the area.

I think such stuff is already planned and  we'll see this some time. But it needs lotta time and work. ;)

Many of my ideas include lots of planning and work, but I am quite alright with this.  I have never felt the need to rush ideas into the game.  If this is already being planned, well, be nice if Solar or some other commented on their present views (or not: I still enjoy brainstorming, just to brainstorm.  The ideas brought up may help any present thoughts on the topic, you never know.)

Some forget that sometimes just talking about the idea is enough.  Not every one of them will be used.  In the end, I am simply pleased if just the idea/concept is liked by those who read it, and in turn helps them with their own thoughts and ideas.

-Voice your ideas!  Voice them JUST BECAUSE.  Don't always expect respect or recognition for it, because then you are inventing for the wrong reason instead of doing it for the betterment of all.-

I love this idea, (No, not just because my reply was used :P) I've always loved the Fo3 RTS mods n shit it just feels awesome to be in control of towns and know you accomplished a steady growing town that isn't going to shit >.>.

There should also be the possibilty of making Raider camps by joining raider faction and having them send some of their guys to the camp to get it started, and/or when you go to a town you can pay them for gaurds to protect the camp/base/city whatever its stage is in for 500 cap each (YEAH JUST LIKE MILITIA :D) that way if pks come in the militia can at least "help" defend the place.  Btw, the Raiders should also act as a workforce bringing in steady supply of fruit, low tier guns, low tier ammo, a few stimpacks, etc...


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