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Author Topic: Level cap disable alternative  (Read 2341 times)


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Level cap disable alternative
« on: August 25, 2010, 01:56:51 pm »

 there are plenty of ideas about setting higher level cap. I see positive and negative effects of that. Positive is that you would encourage one char playing, creating stronger connection between player and its avatar, also you would need more time to level it up, so you can play this game longer. Negative is that every chars would be very similar, if you dont nerf perks, it would be harder to balance the game (imagine lvl 36 PK in mnes VS lvl 5 noob).

  But one negative element of current system is alting. So why not find other way, how to encourage signle char players, or at least one dominant char players. You can create your main battle char in four hours (big gunner with enough ammunition), or few days and irony is, that this "fast food recipe" is tastier than "long time cooking".

 My suggestion finds solution in quite different aproach than the whole leveling is based on. But it is not non Fallout compatible idea, as you will see. Current leveling will stay, even the level cap and level speed, but there will exist ways, how you can boost your char or add another advantages.

 a) minor perks
 You can get minor perks as a reward of quests of achieving some tasks. It will give only minor benefit, that will not absolutely ruin the balance but can be reason to play longer, even if you have nothing to do (all quest finished,...)

 Quest that if you clear 100 caves, you will get bonus +1 to perception in night.
 If you mine 250+ HQ resources, you will get +25 weight capacity.
 If you domesticate 250+ brahmins, you will get free pathfinder perk.
 If you cure yourself 100+ times poisoning, you will get +20 HP.

b) combat perks

 Combat perks could be group of perks, with special purpose. eliminate the difference between powerbuilds and a loner. If you want to play PvP, you have to spend all CH points somewhere else. If you are "classic player", you need at least 3 CH, or even more, if you are slaver, brahmin hunter... .

 So why not add quest very similar to previous ones (kill 1000+ floaters or something else), where you will need charisma bigger than power build can have without drugs (7-8 CH, so 5 basic + 3 with drugs => no problem for classic players), and if you finish that "quest", you could get a free perks that will eliminate the difference between power build and "classic build".

 The practical difference will be, that if you want to create power build, you will have to spend 8 hours or few days, if you want to achieve those bonuses by "classic way", you will need weeks or months.

c) crafting traits

 I like weapon customization. I suggested it somewhere else, but crafting roleplay is very boring. You can be small gun crafter at level 4 with skilled trait and 10 IN. I dont like idea that you need luck to craft, it will not solve anything: you will spend points from other SPECIAL attribute, or you will have your char ready at level 5.

 So why not support "classic players", with ability of giving traits to weapons. At first, they will have to craft at least 10 (20/50?) weapons from the crafter list, then they will have to finish some quests, maybe kill some amount of NPC. This will eliminate possibility, that level 5 crafter will have same abilities like crafter roleplayer.

 Example of traits: -4 max damage + 4 to min damage = more constant damages,
                         +2 damage to human based enemies, +1 AP needed to shot
                         - 25 percent of weigh, -33 percent of ammo capacity
                         - 25 percent damage to players(humans) + 15 percent damage to critters (supermutants)

 This traits will not ruin balance of game, but it will make crafting more individual that it is now. Also there will be bonus for classic players, instead of gangs factories. It could create relations between gangs and basic players: "Looks, that gordulan mining, he is good crafter, dont kill him in mines, he will not sold you his boosted sniper rifle."

 So what do you think? Additional perks/traits were in Fallout 1/2 game too.
« Last Edit: August 25, 2010, 01:58:30 pm by DonGizmo »


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Re: Level cap disable alternative
« Reply #1 on: August 25, 2010, 02:02:33 pm »

for the minor perks, they are far too farmable, and the +HP perk is a bit too powerful, which will just place even more of a gap between no-lifers and people like me, and by the way, I haven't had a dedicated crafter ever since the last wipe,  love the combat more than timeouts...
« Last Edit: August 25, 2010, 02:04:15 pm by gordulan »
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Re: Level cap disable alternative
« Reply #2 on: August 25, 2010, 02:11:18 pm »

for the minor perks, they are far too farmable, and the +HP perk is a bit too powerful, which will just place even more of a gap between no-lifers and people like me, and by the way, I haven't had a crafter ever since the last wipe,  love the combat more than timeouts...

 I dont think so: dont forget that you need to gain 210 000 XP point until level 21. So if you will hunt XP in caves, you can have this bonus before lvl 21 (it is mathematic: count number of XP you will get by clearing 100 random caves and then you can set higher or lower number of caves need to clear).

 +24 HP is effect of second lifegiver. As a lonely player, you have to take other perks than second lifegiver. Why not add boost to players HP, who do not have 10 or 8 basic EN. It will not absolutely make them powerbuilds. And existing powerbuilds will not have chance to take ti because of charisma and because of they are here for PvP.

 No-lifers have their own 5 powerbuilds, 4 crafters, 1 trader anyway. Why they will need to spend weeks to level up one char, if they could have same one in few hours/days?

 Your name was an example.
Re: Level cap disable alternative
« Reply #3 on: August 26, 2010, 01:59:31 am »

I really like the sound of this, especially since it might give me something to do after i reach level 21.
I only ever play a single character, and more often than not its a ruthless pvp character, just so that I don't die quite so often.
Being able to have a more rounded character than can, with enough time and questing, compete with the pure pvp builds would be excellent.


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Re: Level cap disable alternative
« Reply #4 on: August 26, 2010, 04:09:53 pm »

I dont think so: dont forget that you need to gain 210 000 XP point until level 21. So if you will hunt XP in caves, you can have this bonus before lvl 21 (it is mathematic: count number of XP you will get by clearing 100 random caves and then you can set higher or lower number of caves need to clear).

 +24 HP is effect of second lifegiver. As a lonely player, you have to take other perks than second lifegiver. Why not add boost to players HP, who do not have 10 or 8 basic EN. It will not absolutely make them powerbuilds. And existing powerbuilds will not have chance to take ti because of charisma and because of they are here for PvP.

 No-lifers have their own 5 powerbuilds, 4 crafters, 1 trader anyway. Why they will need to spend weeks to level up one char, if they could have same one in few hours/days?

 Your name was an example.

u wanna rise lvl cap to diminish alt chars?
Aku Soku Zan


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Re: Level cap disable alternative
« Reply #5 on: August 26, 2010, 04:27:03 pm »

Minor perks are ok as long as they don't give more ac, hitpoints, accuracy, damage, damage res or anything that has to do with dealing or taking hits. "Farming" for pvp effectiveness hasn't worked in any game without permadeath. For example in many mmo browser games you can farm and become more powerful, but there is permadeath. So players must farm wisely or die, in fonline you can just farm and nothing will happen to you. This is not challenging and if it's not challenging there shouldn't be big rewards either.

But perks that provide luxuries and outside-fighting and crafting utilities are nice little achievements.
« Last Edit: August 26, 2010, 04:28:38 pm by avv »
Based on evidence collected from various sources by trustworthy attendees it is undisputed veritability that the land ravaged by atomic warfare which caused extreme change of the ecosystem and environmental hazards can be considered unpleasant, rugged and unforgiving.


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Re: Level cap disable alternative
« Reply #6 on: August 26, 2010, 04:27:21 pm »

u wanna rise lvl cap to diminish alt chars?

 no, i dont want, i think that lvl 21 is good enough to have chars differents from each others...

 i want to eliminate differeces between power builds and classic role players, because even you will get 21 level and your basic leveling and char creating is finished, you would have still chance to evolve your char, by finishing quests, achievements that powerbuild can not achieve (because of needed charisma). it also longer the gameplay of your char, even if you have lvl 21
Re: Level cap disable alternative
« Reply #7 on: August 26, 2010, 04:35:33 pm »

(because of needed charisma)
What problem to roleplay with powerbuild and eat mentats, if you see problem only in charisma? ^_^


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Re: Level cap disable alternative
« Reply #8 on: August 26, 2010, 04:43:38 pm »

About charisma. We shouldn't build the game around the mechanic that if you got low cha, don't expect to do any quests or talk to npcs. Neither should the game be built around the mechanic that investing in "wrong" or "bad" skills or stats will make you crippled loser.
Based on evidence collected from various sources by trustworthy attendees it is undisputed veritability that the land ravaged by atomic warfare which caused extreme change of the ecosystem and environmental hazards can be considered unpleasant, rugged and unforgiving.


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Re: Level cap disable alternative
« Reply #9 on: August 26, 2010, 06:25:40 pm »

What problem to roleplay with powerbuild and eat mentats, if you see problem only in charisma? ^_^

 You dont create power build because of role playing, quests,.. i preffer power building and pvp, but many of players dont.. they finished their classic chars and they are still not competitive to power builds.. but the point b) combat perks, is only option, i would rather see the a) and c) ...
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