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Ned Logan:
This is a very good suggestion.
At first I was thinking like 5 minutes "WTF?" about the caravan part, but then I realized you don't mean player caravan and caravan traps lol... maybe clarify that part.

Only thing I don't like is the outdoors check if the ambush-creators. This way every good ambush would have a taxi char with 300% OD...

RJ: Also don't forget you can radio in any number of friends. even an army of 50 lvl 21...

1. I make character with 300% outdoorsman (to meet as many players as possible), 9-10 charisma. I take 9 buddies (or some mercs with supersledges/rifles) and go in some hunting spot (centaurs/molerats/whatever). I wait and kill lone players that are trying to get exp there.
2. I make character with low outdoorsman (to not meet players too often/at all), 9-10 charisma. I take 9 buddies (some with high CW or take brahmin), I go into crate near some city and wait for caravan/patrol. I killl them, wait for reinforcments, and repeat until I run out of ammo/health. I pack loot on brahmin/friends and leave.
3. I make character with 300% outdoorsman (to meet as many players as possible), 9-10 charisma. I take few buddies with mercs go in some hunting spot or even near city. I use ambush mechanic to bring more buddies with mercs (in the end numbers will only count) also and kill players/patrols that come inside. I leave with loot.

Of course 2. and 3. won't happen if strike force would powerful enough to kill everyone in encounter with first attack (or being unlootable). As you pointed earlier.
What happens if patrol enters location where are players from two groups? The one that made trap and the one that got in later. Are they going to engage both?

Other than that it sounds interesting but due nature of maxed out characters it would be good to have outdoorsman rolls somewhat balanced.


--- Quote from: RJ on August 23, 2010, 07:16:34 pm ---1. I make character with 300% outdoorsman (to meet as many players as possible), 9-10 charisma. I take 9 buddies (or some mercs with supersledges/rifles) and go in some hunting spot (centaurs/molerats/whatever). I wait and kill lone players that are trying to get exp there.
2. I make character with low outdoorsman (to not meet players too often/at all), 9-10 charisma. I take 9 buddies (some with high CW or take brahmin), I go into crate near some city and wait for caravan/patrol. I killl them, wait for reinforcments, and repeat until I run out of ammo/health. I pack loot on brahmin/friends and leave.

Of course 2. won't happen if strike force would powerful enough to kill everyone on encounter with first attack (or being unlootable). As you pointed earlier.

Other than that it sounds interesting but due nature of maxed out characters it would be good to have outdoorsman rolls somewhat balanced.

--- End quote ---

2. is a non issue I believe - the strike force would have to be balanced to basically kick everyone's ass and offer a 10-person highest tier gang force a serious challenge. Not really that hard, since strike force npc's can have higher HP and so on, and in real time fighting NPC is a chore anyway.
1. is a problem, but maybe if we made a condition that the highest ambush maker's outdoorsman in a roll is 150 or 200 it'd go away. I mean, if the maker has OD 300, it counts as 150, 200 or whatever the limit is. Most loners are ~150 anyway, so it'd be 50/50. Anyway - it's fairly balancable.

Also, please note that you either take mercs/cows or buddies. It's your personal tactical choice, but you're still restricted to a standard 10 CHA group limit. When it comes to bringing in more people from your own gang (shit, I didn't think of that) to reinforce the ambush, I'd say that we could have two restrictions:
- if a group enters and 5 minutes pass, a timer starts (like 3:00). When it finishes, the ambush is over - everyone lands on WM
- you can't ambush people from one of your gangs... should solve it.

Another idea to make it less of a one-sided affair would be to have larger ambush maps with a few spaced out spawn points. That way the party making an ambush would face a real-life issue each time - should we cover a single approach in force, or space out and rely on communications? It'd make for pretty exciting woodlands combat - given the fact that most fighting happens on flat, boring desert terrain or in towns/cities, I think it's a strong argument for bringing this in.

Sorry, I updated my post while you wrote yours. Could you answer to:

--- Quote from: RJ on August 23, 2010, 07:16:34 pm ---3. I make character with 300% outdoorsman (to meet as many players as possible), 9-10 charisma. I take few buddies with mercs go in some hunting spot or even near city. I use ambush mechanic to bring more buddies with mercs (in the end numbers will only count) also and kill players/patrols that come inside. I leave with loot.

What happens if patrol enters location where are players from two groups? The one that made trap and the one that got in later. Are they going to engage both?

--- End quote ---

So 3. in other words: with ambush mechanic I can actually bring more people inside.


--- Quote from: RJ on August 23, 2010, 07:28:18 pm ---Sorry, I updated my post while you wrote yours. Could you answer to:

So 3. in other words: with ambush mechanic I can actually bring more people inside.

--- End quote ---

Well, I updated too. With the timer you'd get a countdown and end with everyone on the WM. Of course 5 minutes is fairly arbitrary and could be fine tuned, I think we could get to the limit that allows for combat to play out and makes reinforcing such a pain in the arse nobody would bother. Of course the timer would be reset if the entering group died before the 5 minute mark. Anyway thanks for pointing this out, it'd be a serious flaw if this ever got implemented.


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