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Author Topic: Little suggestion for character registering  (Read 4210 times)

Little suggestion for character registering
« on: August 22, 2010, 03:37:28 pm »

When you registering a character, you may check "Iron Man" mode in window there.

You'll have XP boost +100%;
You'll have 1 life, and additional life after each level up;
If you have no more lives, your character makes ~deleteself.
No level cap, but same as normal profession cap to exclude universal crafters who sit at base.
After deleting character because of death, your name saved, to register a character with the same name you must have the same password in registration or it'll say that character name is already exist.

You'll have XP boost +200%;
You are replicatable if your level =<2;
You'll have only 1 life if you reach 3rd level.
No level cap, but same as normal profession cap to exclude universal crafters who sit at base.
After deleting character because of death, your name saved, to register a character with the same name you must have the same password in registration or it'll say that character name is already exist.

Probably quests in BoS/Enclave to install chips into you that gives additional life, repeatable quest like once per some days.
« Last Edit: August 22, 2010, 03:40:45 pm by RavenousRat »


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Re: Little suggestion for character registering
« Reply #1 on: August 22, 2010, 03:46:39 pm »

and add little red flag over your alt, so other will gladly hunt you and kill you :)
Re: Little suggestion for character registering
« Reply #2 on: August 22, 2010, 03:48:30 pm »

and add little red flag over your alt, so other will gladly hunt you and kill you :)
Nope, exactly this is no need, so noone will know that you're an iron man, and of couse there must be no "the most XP character" in pip-boy, or else that guy will die on sight.
Getting lifes from quests in good solution, especially if everyone will have limited life.

Ned Logan

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Re: Little suggestion for character registering
« Reply #3 on: August 22, 2010, 03:49:03 pm »

I am against this, stuff like this should be used on separate server, to not mix with the normal players.
Re: Little suggestion for character registering
« Reply #4 on: August 22, 2010, 03:50:30 pm »

I am against this, stuff like this should be used on separate server, to not mix with the normal players.
And what problem? I can't understand.
If you can be higher than 21st level, you have a risk to die permanently.
Re: Little suggestion for character registering
« Reply #5 on: August 23, 2010, 12:12:34 am »

This please.
When you registering a character, you may check "Iron Man" mode in window there.

You'll have 1 life, and additional life after each level up;
If you have no more lives, your character makes ~deleteself.
After deleting character because of death, your name saved, to register a character with the same name you must have the same password in registration or it'll say that character name is already exist.

2) Exp +200%
   You get one life with every perk.

Ned Logan

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Re: Little suggestion for character registering
« Reply #6 on: August 23, 2010, 12:40:34 am »

And what problem? I can't understand.
If you can be higher than 21st level, you have a risk to die permanently.
Because it would make fights even more unbalanced.
I like that on reaching lvl 21 I am more or less equal as others in PvP.
Superman server should be separate, in fact TLA is like this now, they even removed permadeath.
Any kind of dynamic world would be thrown out of balance by this, which is what I would like 2238 to be.
Also it would make 2238 even more unrealistic, and many people want this to be a survival game.

I would like if progress in 2238 - character power would grow like in this function, levels 1-21 being interval from 0 to 0.6
Then it would be no problem to be have no level cap, because your power would increase only very little.


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Re: Little suggestion for character registering
« Reply #7 on: August 23, 2010, 12:51:27 am »

Ned Logan you read what ravenous rat wrote? You die its over. If anyone wants to risk his/her life just to feel the thrill of being perforated by some minigun then let the guy have it. On the other hand its a bit bad too as Ive heard some people do lvl 21 in couple of hours so this extra HP is just too much, unless wed find some magic way not to let those iron men to PvP area during TC or maybe no entry to northern towns.
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Re: Little suggestion for character registering
« Reply #8 on: August 23, 2010, 01:10:41 am »

... or just block HP increasing after 21 level? And maybe even remove level cap, without "Iron Man" modes?
Nie biegaj za stadem.

Ned Logan

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Re: Little suggestion for character registering
« Reply #9 on: August 23, 2010, 01:30:17 am »

Yeah the HP is the main problem, perks too...
Take in mind that if you were not stupid and trained in unpopulated areas, you could reach lvl 200 in 2 weeks.

For removed level cap play TLA.


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Re: Little suggestion for character registering
« Reply #10 on: August 23, 2010, 01:49:43 am »

There is level cap on TLA.
Also such response is senseless. Why would that be a bad thing to have it on both servers if its good?
Also, if you think you can reach lvl 200 in 2 weeks, you don't know how levels are calculated...
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Ned Logan

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Re: Little suggestion for character registering
« Reply #11 on: August 23, 2010, 04:27:28 am »

I didn't know the implemented level cap in last TLA update when they removed permadeath, that kinda sucks, just feebly copying 2238...
Anyway I don't believe in a rule that combining two good things you get a good thing too. I think it is wrong to combine so different types of characters on one server.
Every time you would be standing against enemy you would be thinking about what type of character he is, which even more sucks out of the atmosphere and being-in-the-game feeling...
Yeah you are right, I made a mistake in calculating the exp, now I really calculated it. Considering one of your teammates lvled a new char to lvl 21 in about 5 hours, I think it is perfectly possible in 2 weeks, playing 12 hours a day to get lvl 84. Even if it's not 200, it is A LOT.

If the formula for lvling when you reach lvl 21 was changed that the next lvl exp was previousLevelExp*1.5 not previousLevelExp+previousExpIncrement+1000 as it is now, it would be kind more like the function I described in some previous post. The lvl cap would be removed and no one would have permadeath. Even such lvling machine as TheBob would not get such big advantage over other players :)
Everyone would have a reason to keep playing their main character, because he would still get the HP bonus, even the perks. There would be no duality of chars to think about... ideal world IMHO... ;)

You can see the calculations I made here, including the system I propose here, please check it out


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Re: Little suggestion for character registering
« Reply #12 on: August 23, 2010, 06:44:08 am »

Everyone would have a reason to keep playing their main character, because he would still get the HP bonus, even the perks.
Even without "HP bonus" (what's simply unfair - how to kill armored and geared 500+ HP two-legged tank?) this is the idea I would love to see come true on 2238. I always wanted to play one char, one and only, however it's development stops at 21th level. I can still play with him, what I did for a long time, but it's frustrating how are you limited and, except your own satisfaction, there is no other advantages from this.
Nie biegaj za stadem.


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Re: Little suggestion for character registering
« Reply #13 on: August 23, 2010, 09:59:07 am »

Hehe, you can gladly leave the HP bonus. And you don't need a flagging, either.

If one see a guy with 500 HP, everyone go "It's an IronMan, he can be permakilled, GET HIM!!!"
And even if he get away, he will be put on deathlist with a single screenshot and you know what it means.

Ned Logan

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Re: Little suggestion for character registering
« Reply #14 on: August 23, 2010, 01:06:08 pm »

Wichura & Alvarez: Have you read my post? I really doubt it. If you would have looked at the calculations you would notice, that very few people would get over lvl 24, because the exp needed increses so fast over lvl 21.

If one see a guy with 500 HP, everyone go "It's an IronMan, he can be permakilled, GET HIM!!!"
Even if these cries are usually reserved for avv, this shit is the so unwastelandish and unrealistic. This should not be a superman game.
It would break team PvP even more, always leaving you thinking if enemy is some "iron man" or not.
If there is any upside for us, who don't like permadeath, and like balanced gameplay, tell me, you didn't manage to convince me so far.

The system I proposed would effectively discourage people from making alts, encouraging to play their main character.
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