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Author Topic: Water chips  (Read 4511 times)


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Re: Water chips
« Reply #15 on: August 22, 2010, 02:48:21 pm »

Gatling, I didn't tried to troll anything at all. I just said how it looks for me, as for player with a 1 year experience of playing on 2238.


  • Drugged Childkiller
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Re: Water chips
« Reply #16 on: August 22, 2010, 03:19:14 pm »

2: The rare item would have to have incredibly high XP in order for it to be rewarding as a rare item to locate.  Which we don't need.  There are a number of ways to raise your XP through the few quests, killing NPCs, and crafting as it is.  There Are rewards beyond taking grind-time off the counter.

Huuuum... False.
We don't have so much quest, especially quest which give a real reward (I mean, useful at level 18, not 500xp...)
Be able to win xp by another way than killing hundreds of centaurs would be good. More way you have, better it is anyway.
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Re: Water chips
« Reply #17 on: August 22, 2010, 05:05:52 pm »

Huuuum... False.
We don't have so much quest, especially quest which give a real reward (I mean, useful at level 18, not 500xp...)
Be able to win xp by another way than killing hundreds of centaurs would be good. More way you have, better it is anyway.

well, you dont have to kill hundred of centaurs... I made it to lvl 19 just by crafting (killing mostly only on some occasional encounters), and believe me, it is more fun than killing hundreds of centaurs, while you have to cooperate with people if you want to sell your stuff... lot of RPing too  :P
Enzo Wolf
former President of Fenix Trading company
former Trading counsellor of former Gray Rock village :D
Re: Water chips
« Reply #18 on: August 22, 2010, 05:12:11 pm »

kill hundred of centaurs
That's the only reason of XP diminishing, it wasn't supposed to slow down XPing, it was supposed to hunt different critters, I was really happy when I encountered some brahmins or dogs and get "alot" XP for them, right now it's only molerats(until fix) and centaurs(after fix will be only centaurs).
You'll never hunt near Glow for ghoul walkers and moskitos, plants, geckos, dogs or something.
I hope someday they will atleast make max encounters per square per day or something, so if someone killed X centaurs at that square, you can walk there safely and never encounter someone there for some time, so people will need to walk at other places atleast.


  • Drugged Childkiller
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Re: Water chips
« Reply #19 on: August 22, 2010, 05:25:43 pm »

Aaaah, the good degressive XP....
306 rats, 213 centaurs, 171 floaters, 154 deathclaws (+/- 100 small, 50 big), 71 desert stalker, 92 geckos, 15 robots, 32 spore plant, 22 rads toads, 63 brahmins, 51 dogs, 16 ghouls, 45 mantis, 62 scorpions... I don't count humans like it's essencially players, and the number of FA (with the weak).
Yeah, it's not slowing down the process...

I hope someday they will atleast make max encounters per square per day or something

Already exist, but for prevent farming (Sf caravans etc...)
Pexing is boring enough, if you also have to change your square or go hunt shitty mobs... Just make more quest, with better xp reward.
When you have to shoot, shoot, don't talk

Member of the Most Hated Faction
TTTLA, for Great Justice !
Re: Water chips
« Reply #20 on: August 22, 2010, 05:27:49 pm »

Already exist, but for prevent farming (Sf caravans etc...)
Item farming, but not XP ;p
Re: Water chips
« Reply #21 on: August 22, 2010, 07:51:08 pm »

How about this, lets say that NCR recently wanted to open up their homeland of V15 back up and needs the help of players to repair it.

At first all you see are some guards and a pathetic excuse of a caravan salesman that sells like junk items. Only the top level is guarded right now as the project just started, so the lower levels are still unguarded as there isn't a priority enough to put guards down there. The reason why NCR posted guards there and prolly Gunther to oversee the project is that NCR wants players in the wastelands to help them rebuild V15.

What i mean is that a player would go to Gunther or someone designated by NCR to give them materials like wood, stones, ores, fibers, electronic parts, metal pieces, ect.

To re-open the first floor everyone would need to donated like 1000 pieces of each of the materials needed.
  The first floor would have
            -Few rooms open to renting.
            -A Doctor
            -Some higher tier sellers
            -Arena for various styles of fighting.
A plus thing is that the top floor gets better and better with each floor getting upgraded as NCR is taking an even more interest in the place.

Second floor would need something something like 5000 resources of each.
   The second floor would have
            -More rooms open to renting
            -medical crafter machine
            -Merc buisness
            - even higher tier sellers

I forgot how many floors there are but each floor would get need even more better and eventually items such as good metals, water chips, MFC, energy weapon add-ons, ect, would be needed to complete the last levels.

The way i see this working is that a lot of players would need to contribute and the lower levels would take time so as not to spoil their effects. Maybe when you donate materials NCR would pay you money, but with a lower amount than if you had sold it to a seller.

For players that didnt contribute resources they wouldnt have access to any of the floors but they can gain access by donating a small percentage of items for each floor. For example based on the first floor example they would have to pay 5 or 10 resources of 3 items of their choosing (ores, metal pieces, rocks) So that the lowers levels aren't spammed with characters that would take the rooms for people in the lower levels and other benifits.

FOnline id: xPoncex
Re: Water chips
« Reply #22 on: August 23, 2010, 12:26:35 am »

As the some sayings go, Graf... and sadly I must reign in my language, but-

... You contributed nothing to a neat little idea that has cropped up randomly except to troll it.  Now go back to your cave, rock, or rolls of unmentionables that you craft beneath.

-Using them for random XP, maybe, though I don't think that would be very useful. 
1: The items would hopefully be fairly rare, similar to this FCC in stranded junk cars on encounter maps.  Thus XP is not necessarily the goal of except the exotic use the item has. 
2: The rare item would have to have incredibly high XP in order for it to be rewarding as a rare item to locate.  Which we don't need.  There are a number of ways to raise your XP through the few quests, killing NPCs, and crafting as it is.  There Are rewards beyond taking grind-time off the counter.

The problem I remembered though is about there being... non-dynamic maps, so you can't use item Water Chip to get working whatever in Vault Base, as example.  Then maybe you could use them in order to acquire things, perhaps a unique vehicle (a trade, water chip given for his rustbucket vehicle), which might itself be used for a few things, such as being made into a particular vehicle, or cannibalized for its special parts. 

And perhaps, if this thread grows, I shall have to move it to Suggestions appropriately.  Depends on Proper Responses and feedback, I suppose, aside from nay-sayers who shall remained named.

dude he said how it is, this is the reality,


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Re: Water chips
« Reply #23 on: August 23, 2010, 02:47:23 am »

This whole... growth business seems alright, though I don't particularly like the, "Turn in X number of Y items" in general.  However, it could be demonstrated with... simple traders present at the V15.

NCR retaking an interest in their roots, per se, and trying to repair V15 could result in their presence growing, more than it is now.  The start would simply be some guards, maybe a single trader in the cave outside the Vaults door below ground.  Perhaps a few tables present, and... well who knows what else, that is not the important part.

But this single trader could deal in whatever, though the point is: how much he trades (or rather, maybe the type of items that pass through his hands), might be somehow Measured.  As time goes on and if people actually use him (Not Abuse or Exploit, thank you), for normal trade, it would lead to further Dev(elopment) of the area to emulate the increased interest and profit pushing its growth.

--Also, above, eBay... I have not the faintest idea what your point was, you seem to be missing half your comment or whatnot.  :P --
And now...
"Never compromise. Not even in the face of Armageddon."- Rorschach
"It's what people know about themselves inside... that makes them afraid." -The Stranger


  • [MDK]skankin
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Re: Water chips
« Reply #24 on: August 24, 2010, 12:39:03 am »

The problem I remembered though is about there being... non-dynamic maps, so you can't use item Water Chip to get working whatever in Vault Base, as example.

Well it's actually not that complicated. If you wanted to fix a water pump in a vault, you just need a mechanical water pump that looks normal but is broken, and a water pipe to collect it. Once you use a water chip on the pump, a variable changes and the pipe delivers water. This works for anything that can use the same image while both broken and operational.

As for the development of V15, I think it's a great idea.

1) It gives players something to do, and the eventual traffic would lead to more interaction
2) While not moving it far, some of the playerbase would probably move into V15 from Shady Sands
3) The donation of materials could result in payment and/or a raise of reputation with NCR or even a V15 faction
4) More rentable rooms is always good
5) Even the development of the vault provides opportunities to add quests to the game

And if this is implemented and it works well, it could be used for similar purposes in other lowly populated areas like the themepark, necropolis, even ghost farm.
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