Other > Closed suggestions

Disable turn based combat

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--- Quote from: Wallace on January 13, 2010, 08:19:28 pm ---Could some dev reject this topic already?

--- End quote ---
That's your opinion, not everyone agrees with you. The devs will make their own minds up.

Fallout without TB would be like chess with 20 second limit to make your move xD

Awaiting for judgement day  8) (Dev's final opinion)

RT encouters = unplayable becouse of lag.

  I'm happy with current RT PvP challenge + TB PvE fun.

Oh my, what a silly topic.

Hey - let's disable all big guns, since im not using them...

So what? Me and other AP loaded fastshooters or other people that find TB important should now play RT cause you, skejwen don't find it usefull?

Anyway - Why should devs disable something that is optional anyway?

I really don't get suggestions like that.

Fallout is what it is partially because of unique TURN BASED strategic combat and adequate character creation (builds). Real-time is nothing but a feature to speed up city fights, its also darn bugged.

If you don't like that, go and play diablo, or other tibia... as fallout isn't for you.



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