Still, if every team uses such shitty software, you have 2 options: to use it too or to quit.
No, just wait until devs will implement this into fonline client. IMO is that major problem is not that it aims enemies (because it is not), or it predefines the area of target body, so you were not forced to use obsolete aiming system in the middle of combat, problem is that this plugin somehow penetrate the game or network code (dont know how, i am lawyer, not technician). Histery and convicting of players by another players is ridiculous
It is the natural evolution of lack of attention to real time optimizing from the developers. Until the combat was slower, builds were not so powerfull and everyone did not used drugs, there were no need for this. At the moment, when dozens of minutes of waiting for one fight, when victory depends on 4 seconds (half of time needed to respawn your AP), is neccesary this kind of software, it only ilustrate needs to be made in the game.
Hopefully, developers realized it and they are preparing changes (one drug instead of 2 at one time, max 2 burst from BG,...) => longer fights => less need to use this plugins.
The result of BAN is this:
1) Nobody will use this current aim system. But that programmers are step behind devs, so until they will "cure the illnesses of fonline", there will always be someone with new version of FOCD or something else.
2) Gangs are more or less ruined, so until wipe, no more big TC fights. I am not the one who can tell you if this is right or wrong for fonline community. I have to repeat, FOCD is not reason why nothing is happening in cities.
3) Community shows, that if they will free hands and agree from developers, they can do a lot of work for them. Devs told us that they want integrate RT aiming system. I think that it will be very same like FOCD. But their own work.
4) Devs show no mercy with core of Fonline players (=players who still play this even everyone is praying for changes or at least wipe) => but i dont tell this is wrong. Their message: It is their game, not ours.
5) Fuente Ovejuna tactics does not work every time

6) Fonline is only game, nothing less, nothing more.