Other > Closed suggestions

Big Guns nearfing (again ? yeah again)

<< < (20/23) > >>

necessarily limit the large two-handed weapons!!  !!!smallguns power!!!

Aryan, what was your endurance?

I'm at work atm, so don't have access to my criticals spreadsheet but I'll have a look at the chance of knockdowns/outs when I get home

I confirm that perfect sniper builds can cause knockout crit with pretty much every shot, regardless of the enemy's EN. However, the solution may not lie in toggling the knockdown but:

- Make EN have a say on the knockdown chance. However some high-roll crits would knock you down no matter what.
- Making stonewall and quick recovery perk actually work
- Make ACs actually work in pvp so that players actually miss shots.

AC could provide a max. chance which you can be hit. So if your ac is 30, the highest chance to hit you would be 75 minus bullet penetration against armor related ac. The numbers could be slightly less and so on, but that's just a rough scetch.

Aside from the AC stuff, that is how it works now.

Stonewall work prety fine... I have this perk and it's very rare to knockdown me...


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