Other > Closed suggestions

Big Guns nearfing (again ? yeah again)

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--- Quote from: maszrum on January 14, 2010, 02:06:23 pm ---"Energy weapons seem OK"  - heh not exacly, try play pvp with LASER sniper vs metalarmors

in my option there is no balance in pvp

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Absolutely true, against metal armor, the nerf of EW is too strong for now imho (even MSH gave up his sniper energy for light support weapon).


--- Quote from: Shangalar on January 14, 2010, 04:45:35 pm ---When I said you, I meant BBS. Because, of course, it's about that. Your lyric way of talking is just showing me one thing : you and your mates are happy with your minigun squad, and dont wanna balanced diversity at all. Bigguns are more powerful than anything else and need to be rebalanced, only an interested can say the contrary. Anyway, the devs will make the difference.

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And here we go again. I told you, I want MATHEMATICAL EVIDENCE for every change to the weapon specs. It's the REASONABLE thing to do and it's going to improve the balance of the game instead of rocking it back and forth. One would have to be batshit insane to question such approach - or have a personnal agenda.

You, on the other hand, are mumbling about BBS, spouting your SUBJECTIVE opinions like you have a monopoly for truth and generally providing evidence for my statement that this thread is about muddy faction politics instead of improving the game. Because really, if you nerf BGs, EWs and SGs are coming out on top - and we're good with both, so sorry no bonus.

Not at all, I just think that Big guns are overpowered and need some negative point. Atm, you can do everything with bigguns.. Far fights, close fights, splash damage... With the future bozar you may be able to snipe in the eyes too... (need to be seen)

We have enough of biggunners to feel these disproportions. We purpose to think about some way to make it more fair, and who comes to say its bullshit ? BBS ! So, I automatically think about the reasons...

I would be happy to be wrong. So now, let's head back to the discussion. And if its too early to talk about, lets wait some more days/weeks and see how the pvp is going.


--- Quote from: Shangalar on January 14, 2010, 05:08:05 pm ---Not at all, I just think that Big guns are overpowered and need some negative point. Atm, you can do everything with bigguns.. Far fights, close fights, splash damage... With the future bozar you may be able to snipe in the eyes too... (need to be seen)

We have enough of biggunners to feel these disproportions. We purpose to think about some way to make it more fair, and who comes to say its bullshit ? BBS ! So, I automatically think about the reasons...

--- End quote ---

If you're so right why are you so scared of providing actual, irrefutable evidence for your claims? Why "we purpose to think", "we feel the disproportions" instead of proof? Because what you're saying right now is "NA is always right, BBS is always wrong" and "we want it fair" - whatever that last claim might mean when you say it.

I didnt make a study about BG. I just play and see.


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