Other > Closed suggestions

Big Guns nearfing (again ? yeah again)

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--- Quote from: Pozzo on January 12, 2010, 07:05:18 pm ---- You can't run while holding a big gun
- Big guns could be heavier to avoid characters having 2 bazookas in each hand and a minigun in the mouth.
- Rise up the strength requirement to use big guns (ST min 8-9)
- Rise up the action points we need to shoot (8 Ap instead of 7 Ap for example

--- End quote ---

Totally disagree with every single suggestion, and while everyone of them is flawed in thier own special way the main reason i disagree is your mentality

Something is too powerful? Nerf it.. Then what happens to the next most popular firearm in the game emerges? youll want that nerfed and so on and so fourth then we will end up, as someone said all spears and rocks and there will still be a group whiners wanting spears nerfed.

take a look at any popular aspect of the game in the past, sneak? nerfed Theif? nerfed Crits? nerfed crafting? nerfed etc etc You start to drasticly cripple any aspect of the game throwing out the balance and all it leads too is further nerfing, then what do you end up with? A big bundle of fucked up half assed features with no balance. Every small gunner reading your suggestions will be sitting there in glee at the thought of a big slow special gimped player with fuck all range.

Better idea is too make sg more powerful, before wipe a 10mm could be more dangerous then an Avenger in the right surroundings and the sniper rifle was more powerful then a mini gun shot for shot at any given range >5 hex.

My suggestions would be slowly start winding up crits and dmg until some sort of balance is observed. But i have to stress that the issue wont be solved with further blanket changes too pvp systems, PROGRESSION is the key to balance and by makiing a huge amount of changes and implementing them in a single hit your essentially throwing darts blindfolded and hoping that one will hit the board.
Id hate to see a return of the infinite knock down scenerio we had prewipe, current cripple and knockdown rates are good, but the crit dmg for sg maybe should be looked at for better balance.

Once again i'll remind the idea of possibility for crafters to upgrade (not only) small guns as well as ammo

Every new tier of upgrades would require more skills (last tier would require 250 in a skill such as repair and 150 in small guns)

Also different parts/capabilities could be upgraded (rate of fire, range, damage, accuracy, accesories such as noe exp. mag. and so on)

Such weapons would require more and more, eighter time,skills and resources and would be harder to repair

If such thing were to be implemented then even if you'd see a bluesuit with Mauser you couldn't be sure if he just took it from some dead raider or been tinkering with it so much that is now some sort of a super cannon

Now to balance weapons usage just make small guns upgrades rather effortless in comparing with big guns (and energy weaps)

Who left the door opened? Some stupid brahma came in and shit all around the place...  :P

Get back to your breeding pen! Shoo!

Maybe we should think about another way to balance weapons, like allowing a hotkey to aim with small guns. Losing time to click on the right part of the body can be annoying : you cant see what happening during that time and its often too late when you click, because of fov properties. What do you think ?

giving such option to smallguns only would be improper (logically same thing could be applied to energy guns thus improving them too - and that's not an option

We need to improve smallguns (almost) alone

So why not upgrading system?


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