Other > Suggestions

Combat & Aimed Shots suggestion

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About the eyes : If you shoot at someone behind his back, aiming at his eyes, what will you really aim at ? His head. So current system is ok.

I'd agree that the groin part could only be shot in front of the target, but on the other hand groin shots are not used often, it'd make them even more useless, maybe.

So what would you shoot if not his groin? A torso? What's the point of nerfing something that's not overpowered anyway?

That's exactly what I said.

The groin shots need rework, but when it will be reworked (for example it will/should knock down a player) then it should be only avaible to shot from front.

the head is a just as good place to place your bullet really, and as parowooz and izual said, why the fuck should anything that isn't overpowered be nerfed?
even with rework there will never be a 100% chace of knockdowns, ever... but however, your avengers have that lovely 2x BRD and AP ammo making them the deadliest weapon ingame... you say no instakills for snipers, I say no damage for minigunners

food for thought...right below, the quote, not the asshole who answers in these sort of lines: oh noes, does not nerf my big ****-enchancer, i cantz lives withut it!

--- Quote from: gordulan on August 16, 2010, 01:12:37 am ---edit: I say restrict the power of big guns to rockets and flamers and nerf the living shit out of the big automatic weapons, they were lategame weapons in fallout for a reason and that ain't gonna change with most of you being conservative out of your asses, the smell is terrible by the way... It is a beta people and we'll be able to see the world as a much better place without large automatic weapons...

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