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Author Topic: Item Moving Timer  (Read 3538 times)

Item Moving Timer
« on: August 15, 2010, 03:38:17 am »

Alright, since i'm waiting for the reset i thought i'd make a suggestion about alting and items. this is mainly food for thought, and i'd like it if anyone posting would think of it as such, and not get to serious about it.

The basic idea, is that when you drop a item, or give it to another person, and you log out with your character, you need to wait anywhere from 1 hour to 6 hours before you can pick it up with a character account logged in with the same IP as the character that dropped it. trying to give a person a item, or pick up a item that is under this time out would give you a message that you must wait X amount of minutes before you can pick it up again.

Flaws is this.

1: People could change their IPs as needed to get around this.
2: it would make it harder for solo people to craft with alts.
3: it would be hard to take back your dropped items, but if anyone ever gets their items back, its often due to a tent raid on a PKers tent, since i've almost never heared of some one getting their gear back from a PKer.
4: it would not stop alting, only limit its usefulness.

Reasons that this might help.

1: would make gangs have to work in teams to move items to make them useable so that one guy makes the drugs, while another guy uses them.
2: would make having alts still workable, but it would require more time to make things and use them, since you'd have to let them sit in your tent for a while.
3: would also limit the time bombers have before they can bomb with bomber alts, unless they change their IPs, which could be logged and recorded as proof, since a character recorded as logging in with two different IPs could mean either the account was stolen, or the person is changing his IP to get around the timers.
4:It would also be a step in the direction of limiting alts and their usefulness, without requiring a account to keep track of each players different characters, something which would be needed but is alot of work, and would be a massive change, even more so than adding the timers to items, unless i am forgetting something. the devs can correct me as needed.

Again, this is mainly meant to be food for thought, but does count as a suggestion. cheers.



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Re: Item Moving Timer
« Reply #1 on: August 15, 2010, 03:52:16 am »

I don't see that any useful...

To get some items back from char A to B you just need to trade between them. If you can't, you just trade with friend (A to C) which will trade it back again to char B. Dropping weapons while fight.

1. So loners gone be once again screwd
2. You just leave materials for night in base and tomorrow you have what you wanted to craft. Don't seem to be much problem
3. What if there will be prepared bombers sitting on grind?
4. It would only slow down whole process of crafting, for those who play alone.

as I said I don't see that any useful... or mayby i'm missing something.
Polskie Pustkowia


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Re: Item Moving Timer
« Reply #2 on: August 15, 2010, 03:56:31 am »

Oh come on, I hated this part of Runescape... ( YES I AM A FORMER RUNESCAPE NERD STFU!  ;D)
Whenever I say something, imagine \"In my opinion"/ being in the front of every sentence.
Re: Item Moving Timer
« Reply #3 on: August 15, 2010, 11:10:28 am »

The timer will still happen if you trade the item, any item leaving your character would be flagged if you logged out. also i have never played runescape, but this was done on a few neverwinter nights servers for different reasons, and it did work, and it did do what the devs of those servers wanted to happen as well.

On a non-RP server, moving items is not commonly thought of as cheating, but i have seen some cases of it being against the rules to move items, and a limited form of that is what the suggestion is about, also this is about cutting down on alt characters, which the devs unless i misunderstood have been trying to do at least in some ways.

As for the useful and not useful things, the fact that'd make it harder for loners to craft i mentioned already, but i also mentioned it was to try and help give a nudge to team work, also, if you have a alt for mining and a alt for making small guns, and big guns, and armor, that thats 4 alts already, when most crafter alts should be able to mine just fine. so you really shouldn't have to switch just to make some simple things like that. where this would hurt you is moving those supplies to a combat character, but over all unless you need a gatherer and a craft, it shouldn't slow it down much. just moving the goods from character to character.



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Re: Item Moving Timer
« Reply #4 on: August 15, 2010, 11:48:32 am »

Oh come on, I hated this part of Runescape... ( YES I AM A FORMER RUNESCAPE NERD STFU!  ;D)

high five dude.
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Re: Item Moving Timer
« Reply #5 on: August 15, 2010, 11:48:45 am »

Alts are not the problem here. 2238 core features are (since they pretty much force players to alt). Also any solution that involves waiting and affects more people than target group is imho very VERY bad. I want to play the game, not wait to play it.
Re: Item Moving Timer
« Reply #6 on: August 15, 2010, 12:58:59 pm »

All im gonna say is very used, old, primitive, dumb and old. And used alot in this forum. And thats: this is gonna make harder for solo's and new players/noobs and wont affect biggies.
I give a fuck.


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Re: Item Moving Timer
« Reply #7 on: August 15, 2010, 01:13:37 pm »

Alts are not the problem here. 2238 core features are (since they pretty much force players to alt). Also any solution that involves waiting and affects more people than target group is imho very VERY bad. I want to play the game, not wait to play it.
You better don't show this thread to Holo or Lordus :>

Any idea that forces people from using alts is failing right at the beginning. We need to get rid of reason for using alts, not alts themselves.

But I've already told that more than once.
*yawns again*
Nie biegaj za stadem.


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Re: Item Moving Timer
« Reply #8 on: August 15, 2010, 01:24:08 pm »

Alts are not the problem here. 2238 core features are (since they pretty much force players to alt). Also any solution that involves waiting and affects more people than target group is imho very VERY bad. I want to play the game, not wait to play it.

No one is forced to use alts.  ::)
And I dont know how you play the game, but I never have to wait for something.


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Re: Item Moving Timer
« Reply #9 on: August 15, 2010, 01:37:18 pm »

Almost every suggestion is useless (even mine owns), because of those alters.
Why you just cannot do anything for them?


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Re: Item Moving Timer
« Reply #10 on: August 15, 2010, 01:42:04 pm »

Because many players eabt the best stuff as fast as possible, want to create "teh bestest" powerbuild as possible and so on - instead of dont using those damn alts for ever purpose and to cooperate. Alts and stuff will always be the cancer of this game. :)


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Re: Item Moving Timer
« Reply #11 on: August 15, 2010, 01:55:22 pm »

No one is forced to use alts.  ::)
And I dont know how you play the game, but I never have to wait for something.
My dear GM-abuzer-friend, how do you imagine to manage more than one base terminal with one char? I'm asking this quite often and still didn't get the answer.
But OK, terminal is only one feature, you don't use it every hour (well ...), if you like to play solo, bases and terminals aren't your business, and (last but not least) this will be reworked after wipe (I hope). It's also true that after making cooldowns stackable you don't have to sit near the rock pile and admire it for couple minutes - gods bless the dev-team for that and send them 72 virgins.
Still, I don't think you can say "there is no need to use alts", because people are making more than one char for a reason, not because it's funny as hell to train another char from scratch, especially non-combat ones, like medics, traders or travellers (also called "taxi" chars). Yes, here are lazy-smartasses either, who will make alts anyway, for example to avoid cooldowns or whatever, or to have whole bunch of soldiers in base, named MrSmith1, MrSmith2, MrSmith3 and so on, to play Quake over and over. But the solution I see is not to forbid, ban or limit in any other way, but make alts useless. Mining bot - anyone?

And what was the topic anyway? :>
Nie biegaj za stadem.

Re: Item Moving Timer
« Reply #12 on: August 15, 2010, 02:45:24 pm »

I'll make another post to keep this on topic.

Anyway, You don't need to make a alt with no combat powers, you can very easily make a alt character that can double as a PvE character, and spend time shooting monsters, also, if that alone is too boring, go to the den area and farm jet from rave parties for a drugie powerbuild. than got stash it all, wait a little while, relog with the powerbuild, and boom, you still have all your stuff, and its made by alts still, but you need to do more with those alts, which makes them more than just crafting clones to farm resources with. And even a doc character could have some skill in small guns. 120% should be enough to make him fairly handy with a desert eagle or SMG.

Also, this would make a simple SG crafter mining in say. redding, more dangerous if he did take even a SMG or desert eagle with him to shoot any monsters along the way.

As a finaly note, adding a item moving time out won't make it that hard on newbies, since they won't have crafting alts untill they know well enough how to make them.

You better don't show this thread to Holo or Lordus :>

Any idea that forces people from using alts is failing right at the beginning. We need to get rid of

reason for using alts, not alts themselves.

But I've already told that more than once.
*yawns again*

Oh, and what Reasons are there for usings alts? i'd like to know your take on this as well. i have my own ideas but i'd still like to hear these as well.

Re: Item Moving Timer
« Reply #13 on: August 15, 2010, 04:01:07 pm »

Because many players eabt the best stuff as fast as possible, want to create "teh bestest" powerbuild as possible and so on - instead of dont using those damn alts for ever purpose and to cooperate. Alts and stuff will always be the cancer of this game. :)
If you could get caps more ways and easyer, i would preheaps trade more with players. Besides, maybe its just me, but playing one char is boring as heck. Im not talking about making tons of powerbuilds and crafter alts, its just i get bored real fast off one char. I guess that is why i have one char off each build, on some builds even more than one.

I fully understand the will to play just one char. Do it, its cool.
But i will never understand the foolish tries to force others play just one char.
I give a fuck.


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Re: Item Moving Timer
« Reply #14 on: August 15, 2010, 04:05:34 pm »

No one is speaking of just playing one character.
There is a fine line between "alts" and alts.  As long as your freshly created new character doesnt support your other character, its fine. Shit starts when people create alts for every small purpose ( "taxis" etc) only to support your "real" character.
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