Other > Suggestions
Player driven markets
Greetings everyone...
My idea is pretty simple and i dont believe it could be implemented easily so maybe call it a suggestion for further updates. I dont even know if it is possible by technical meanings but if it is it could improve ingame bartering and thus immersion in the game itself. At the moment most people offer their goods either in the board or in the trade channel. Thats ok but i have something different in mind.
Imagine certain areas outside of cities just like mines are now. Here traders can rent a small shop with some storage and advertise their goods to every visitor. Some may even specialize in certain goods for example armors, medical supplies or ammunition.
Of course this will attract robbers, playerkillers and maybe suicide bombers which is logical but could be minimized by the following approach. First of all, the place is guarded like the southern cities are at the moment with all the same mechanics. But in addition every shop has a certain area around it where guards wont interfere. Instead of npc guards in these predefined areas shopowners are able set up player guards (maybe mercs he hires for this special purpose or faction members/friends who are in charge as long as the shop is open.
Shop guards can attack everyone without being harassed by npc guars. So this means if someone pulls out a gun in front of the shop owner player guards can take this person out before he attacks the shop owner and of course this will only work in predefined shop surrounding areas to prevent player guards from shooting basically everyone. This way the shop owners could actually tell known "Outlaws" to stay away from their shop. For this each shop could have its own "faction terminal" where the current shop owner would "check in" and write down the names of the current guards. If he usually has the same guards with him all the time he could just load his setup by "checking in". When he leaves the shop he just uses the terminal to check out and with this action his players guards will no longer be able to attack player within the shop area. Maybe also add an automated check for explosives when people enter the market and delete them from hands or inventory if the player enters the market.
I know that there are many things to be done right now and i dont think this is an important suggestion at all but please let me know what you think or add your own ideas for now.
--- Quote from: Chiko on August 14, 2010, 01:31:12 pm ---Greetings everyone...
--- End quote ---
I like the idea of markets, because i think that roleplayers of all kind should be supported, but i have to disagree with you in one thing: i dont think that new locations are needed (outside the cities).. Cities are empty, so i will rather see that some buildings wil get new purpose than creating whole new locations.
Great idea.
Dunno if you wrote it (I didn't read all - lack of time, sorry) but it would be good if it won't be possible to steal from players who has a market there.
I just thinking that few times, but never show it in "suggestions", because my english little fail and i cannot write much..
Edit: I like most of that you guards shot instant if someone bull weapon out.
you could even have an area like you said, but instead of limited shop owners you could put your merc with your stuff and maybe some other merc to guard him. Your merc would sell your items in exchange of
lvl 1 stuff/ lvl 1/2/3 armor/weapon/ammo or maybe defined type like .223
Shop merc would sell the items for cash or exchange and also buy defined ammo/armor/weapon (only new/used) with his own cash
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