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Author Topic: Cooperation. Also - lamp.  (Read 4730 times)


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Re: Cooperation. Also - lamp.
« Reply #15 on: August 13, 2010, 02:42:09 pm »

About first post - second part - you're suggesting something like background, like in Arcanum : OSAMO ? If yes, then I'm against it. I instead vote for having better (more pros, more cons) and numerous traits available.
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Re: Cooperation. Also - lamp.
« Reply #16 on: August 13, 2010, 03:32:55 pm »

No Izual sweetie, backgrounds in Arcanum were very similar to traits. What I mean is more like races or origins from polish pnp rpg Neuroshima, which is a fallout clone btw. Each person could be a sniper, a doctor or a hooker, the character creation was open just like here. But choosing certain origins gave you special abilities connected with the place e.g. living near the toxic Mississippi river gave your character total resistance to all the harmful chemical substances it was called 'acid in veins, chlorine in lungs'. Now back to the subject. The system is too open right now what leads to power builds, exploits etc. Now origins will give certain limits and buffs for their kin - it's not something like perks so +2 STR -2 action points. Example:

Tribal - you are a member of one of the post-ap tribes, it's not strictly profession because there are many needs and roles in the tribe itself, there are warriors, there are shamans, there are breeders and gatherers. So you are free to create any build you want. But.

Spawn location: Arroyo or Primitive tribe

Tribal abilities:
- Man of the desert - your natural AC is doubled, your sequence is doubled.
- Reptile skinning
- Fur animal skinning
- Master of the hunt - kwnos how to obtain meat and other ingredients from animals and beasts
- Basic cooking (some recepies in fixboy)
- Spiritual ban - you cannot wear armors other than those made of leather/fur, you cannot use any sort of guns.

Possible perks that at some levels are only available for tribals:
- Gatherer - You obtain two times more plants, fruits etc from natural resources, it is also more probable that you will find them while wandering
- Spearomancer - while using your spear or sharpened spear you have a higher chance for a critical hit, your spear hits deal two times the normal damage
- Shaman - You know the ways of the spirits and are able to create powerful liquids and powders
- Golem - you are allowed to wear metal armors
- Nature call (3) - you are able to tame (1) dogs, wolves, rats, molerats (2) scorpions, geckos, (3) deathclaws

Those perks can be also obtained via quests so that they don't take normal slots. Some normal perks may be prohibited for tribals. I just wrote few examples here do you know what does it mean. Each origin would have their own unique perks and abilities, some will affect skills so you can nerf them badly.

Imagine only vault dwellers (13, 15, VC)  who had all the technology and support can use first aid/doctor the way it looks now. BAM! Party medics. They would be scientists though - only guns and smaller amount of normal combat perks. The crit snipers couldn't heal themselves during battles alone, more teamplay etc. Only the street orphans from Den/Hub could steal and sneak so efficiently, no armors though, maybe some disguise skills? Trappers from Klamath - masters of outdoors and survival etc etc Just think about it! Don't lynch me silly powergamers.
Re: Cooperation. Also - lamp.
« Reply #17 on: August 13, 2010, 06:16:44 pm »

No Izual sweetie, backgrounds in Arcanum were very similar to traits. What I mean is more like races or origins from polish pnp rpg Neuroshima, which is a fallout clone btw. Each person could be a sniper, a doctor or a hooker, the character creation was open just like here. But choosing certain origins gave you special abilities connected with the place e.g. living near the toxic Mississippi river gave your character total resistance to all the harmful chemical substances it was called 'acid in veins, chlorine in lungs'. Now back to the subject. The system is too open right now what leads to power builds, exploits etc. Now origins will give certain limits and buffs for their kin - it's not something like perks so +2 STR -2 action points. Example:

Tribal - you are a member of one of the post-ap tribes, it's not strictly profession because there are many needs and roles in the tribe itself, there are warriors, there are shamans, there are breeders and gatherers. So you are free to create any build you want. But.

Spawn location: Arroyo or Primitive tribe

Tribal abilities:
- Man of the desert - your natural AC is doubled, your sequence is doubled.
- Reptile skinning
- Fur animal skinning
- Master of the hunt - kwnos how to obtain meat and other ingredients from animals and beasts
- Basic cooking (some recepies in fixboy)
- Spiritual ban - you cannot wear armors other than those made of leather/fur, you cannot use any sort of guns.

Possible perks that at some levels are only available for tribals:
- Gatherer - You obtain two times more plants, fruits etc from natural resources, it is also more probable that you will find them while wandering
- Spearomancer - while using your spear or sharpened spear you have a higher chance for a critical hit, your spear hits deal two times the normal damage
- Shaman - You know the ways of the spirits and are able to create powerful liquids and powders
- Golem - you are allowed to wear metal armors
- Nature call (3) - you are able to tame (1) dogs, wolves, rats, molerats (2) scorpions, geckos, (3) deathclaws

Those perks can be also obtained via quests so that they don't take normal slots. Some normal perks may be prohibited for tribals. I just wrote few examples here do you know what does it mean. Each origin would have their own unique perks and abilities, some will affect skills so you can nerf them badly.

Imagine only vault dwellers (13, 15, VC)  who had all the technology and support can use first aid/doctor the way it looks now. BAM! Party medics. They would be scientists though - only guns and smaller amount of normal combat perks. The crit snipers couldn't heal themselves during battles alone, more teamplay etc. Only the street orphans from Den/Hub could steal and sneak so efficiently, no armors though, maybe some disguise skills? Trappers from Klamath - masters of outdoors and survival etc etc Just think about it! Don't lynch me silly powergamers.
But you said at first post:
.. oh wait alts.
You ruined your own suggestion at the first post.
Tribals good at gathering? Ok, all tribals you see in game are miners/root-gatherers alts.
Someone good in crafting? Ok, all these technomancers (whatever they called) are crafters alts.
Someone good fighters? Like Raiders or BoS/Enclave something. Every powerbuild will have this background.


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Re: Cooperation. Also - lamp.
« Reply #18 on: August 14, 2010, 03:31:24 am »

Oh look, a 12 years old.

Alters gonna alt mate, you won't change it. This thing I posted me here is against power builds and is somehow rp-friendly. Don't force your undeveloped brain, you won't get the whole idea anyway.
Re: Cooperation. Also - lamp.
« Reply #19 on: August 14, 2010, 04:16:49 am »

Oh look, a 12 years old.

Alters gonna alt mate, you won't change it. This thing I posted me here is against power builds and is somehow rp-friendly. Don't force your undeveloped brain, you won't get the whole idea anyway.
Backgrounds are suitable only for single-player or co-operative campaign/moded game or if at server playing from 2 to max 30-40 people like NWN or something.
Your suggestion and MMO = very bad, and you don't need to be >12 years old to understand it.

Roleplay? You can do that right now, tag melee, sneak and outdoorsman, go to NCR and say everyone that you're from tribal village and know how to thrust with spear and eat geckos. You can do that without "Tribal" background. The only problem is that damned blue suit, but you can craft leather armor!


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Re: Cooperation. Also - lamp.
« Reply #20 on: August 14, 2010, 04:31:03 am »

How is background which really is an origin or a character class only good for single-player? Because you cannot max everything? That's why? You shouldn't be able to max everything. Sneakers should be sneakers, tanks tanks and medics medics. Heavy weapons guy sneaking with his minigun and healing himself up is not only overpowered and preposterous, those stupid power build leave no other options to players, they either choose one fightan build for turbo crits or another fightan build for miniguns or rocket launchers. Other builds are just alts sitting in bases and crafting for those fighters. Is this even fun for you? Is this really a game you want to play? Adding limits for certain classes, adding the differences and balancig the whole thing will lead to ability to play any build and profession as a main and finding your place in the world AND it'll make people depend on other people which leads to in-game talking, tactics and teamplay.

The main problem with you devs is that you give people things for pvp like the town control which lead to even more pvp. Vicious circle. Killing other players just because ought to be punished somehow, not praised.
Re: Cooperation. Also - lamp.
« Reply #21 on: August 14, 2010, 01:37:25 pm »

Sneakers should be sneakers, tanks tanks and medics medics. Heavy weapons guy sneaking with his minigun and healing himself up is not only overpowered and preposterous, those stupid power build leave no other options to players, they either choose one fightan build for turbo crits or another fightan build for miniguns or rocket launchers.
No, no, no, no please, don't turn FOnline in other boring wasting time MMORPG where are tanks, damage dealers, buffers and healers, and anti-tanks and anti-damage dealers.

If you don't want to read this all, please start to read from green line, thanks.

You want classes? The best way to do that was suggested before, don't know what skills was there, but here I divided them for gameplay purposes, not sense:

Combat skills:
- Small Guns
- Big Guns
- Energy Weapons
- Unarmed
- Melee Weapons
- Throwing

Security (don't know how to call, but for Scoundrel/Rogue character type) skills:
- Sneak
- Lockpick
- Steal
- Traps
- Gambling
- Outdoorsman

Social skills:
- First Aid
- Doctor
- Science
- Repair
- Speech
- Barter

And no, it's not just another way "simply need to make a suggestion about changing game".

There're 3 sections of skills with 6 skills in each, every section has atleast one skill which will be used by every type of character. Divide SP gained per level on 3 (if after dividing number isn't integer, then 1 SP will be added to Combat, 2nd to Security, next time 1st it'll be added to Social and 2nd Combat, then to Security and Social, etc.) So you'll have to spend points on something from these skills.
- Small Guns: every "powerbuild" (later combat character) will get all SPs on one weapon skill to use it on max.
- Big Guns: same as above.
- Energy Weapons: same as above.
- Unarmed: same as above.
- Melee Weapons: same as above.
- Throwing: same as above, also can be used as combo with other combat skill.

As you can see nothing will be changed here, powerbuild maxed thier weapon skill, now everyone can max thier weapon skill. Some players can increase more than 1 weapon skill at the same time.

- Sneak: every combat character which uses grenades or sniper-loner/ambusher with shoot'n'hide tactic will use this skill on max.
- Lockpick: yea, they will make alts for this, that's why it should be possible lock doors with only lockpick skill during combat at towns for low time depending on lockpick skill, so it can be used everytime, and lockpicker in team sometimes can use it to make a bunker from house with windows or to open that bunker to be able to rush in there.
- Steal: alts, succesful sneak should positively affect reputation for some gangs/underground, and high reputation should unlock some possibilities that can be used by main characters very good, like special training to increase some skills/give perk, so it'll be "good" for alt and excellent for main character.
- Traps: I hope devs will make guards to learn how to use "traps" skill to disarm dynamites and mines at guarded towns instantly with 100% success, not to look at laying activated dynamite and wait till someone pick it up to shoot that person after, so mines can be implemented and even used and during battle, traps skill is very good for combat characters to spot, lay and disarm them, or explode locked door, which was locked with lockpick skill, also mines should start to work atleast on 5th second after planting, so you can't fast lay mine if someone's chasing you or at guarded towns, because the nearest guard will instantly run and disarm mine, others guards will shoot terrorist and first guard, after disarming, will join shooting.
- Gambling: not used yet, but I think there must be a minigame to Tragic the Garnering, which you can play with NPCs only, deck could be find only at caves and encounters, and gambling skill will affect only max wager ammount, win/lose depend on player himself only by playing this minigame, wins should increase your reputation everywhere (and reputation effect should be changed, and it should be good for every type of character) and of couse caps, loses only decrease caps. Loners may some increase this skill if they're not interested in sneak and have high enough outdoorsman or not interested in it too. This skill may not be increased and used well, but increasing will allow to make higher wagers, and again, if devs will make something with reputation, higher skill will increase reputation more, so it can be useful for main character and useless for alts. Probably having high gambling skill and high reputation, someone somewhere will give special training to increase some skills/give perk, so it'll be "good" for alt and excellent for main character (the same as Steal skill).
- Outdoorsman: every type of character may find this skill useful.

Every powerbuild increased nothing from these skills. With mines (and not dumb guards) traps skill will be used by combat character, lockpick can be used too, if not, then it'll be outdoorsman. Gambling/Steal skill should give benefit for increasing them, so you can increase it even by main character, but probably get permanent bad reputation somewhere for totally changing life of character and gameplay.

- First Aid: oh yeah, every combat character will invest points in this.
- Doctor: and in this.
- Science: loners for crafting, crafting alts, or that's why there must be security system in some high tech unguarded locations, which has reason to fight for, so this skill will be used to terminal to observe cameras and do bad things by slicing computer, like gas room or locking/opening doors, but I can't imagine what in Fallout can have such system and mass player interaction at the same time.
- Repair: loners for crafting, crafting alts, weapon/armor deterioration should be more dynamic, so it may break during fight, using repair skill on character should target his armor or main hand weapon, so mechanic in team will be almost the same as doc.
- Speech: again, the same as steal and gambling, implemented in that way, high skill will unlock certain quests which will give something unique and impossible to give to other players (not item), like skills/perks, so it'll be excellent for main characters, yeah, powerbuild may tag it the same as steal and gambling ^_^ to get some benefits and again, it shouldn't be easy to get these benefits, you'll need to think alot during these quests or .. whatever, but it shouldn't be like that: I have X% speech, it means I'll get this benefit 100%, I only need to follow wiki or something.
- Barter: barter alts, and if battle for town will be implemented like king of hill or whatever it calls: with limited number of players which number and type is locked and can't be changed, so total amount of barter% of all characters taking part in it will affect reward for wining TC.

That's really silly, but combat characters will love social skills very much (except for science), as you can see every skill can be tagged and used by every type of character.

Well, this was small post about how it can be done by other way, so you can really RP when alot quests will be added, and alting will be not useful for only 1 purpose and boring, because you'll have alot quests avaible and reputation system which isn't implemented yet. This game has great future and you need only time to wait.
Re: Cooperation. Also - lamp.
« Reply #22 on: August 14, 2010, 07:28:50 pm »

Yeah, not a bad suggestion RavenousRat, however with division of skills, you need some balance in weapons, in my opinion. For example the strength of energy and small guns comes from the ability to do aimed shots, by limiting the points to spend in these skills you are indirectly weakening these weapons, while big guns are left unaffected, due to the fact that not as much skill points are needed for big guns as opposed to small/energy.

As much as I hate to say this, if you want people (power players) to pump skill points into a certain skill it has to be viable PvP, if in turn these skills are also viable in crafting, people would not create crafting alts. The current situation is there are two separate spheres (to a lesser extent there is a third one), which never come to contact with one another; they are the crafting and combat spheres. For the crafting sphere you need repair and/or science and some weapon skill. Between these 3 skills, only 1 is seen in the combat sphere, so why should someone pump repair and science when they can simply create an alt. For example if guns could jam in the middle of a battle (analogous to that would something like a broken wire for energy weapons), it would become necessary to invest points into repair or science, and because points are invested into these skills, there would not be a reason to create a crafting alt, as your "combat" character would be able to do it. In addition, I would also like to see quests that raise your repair or science skill, but quests take time to make.
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