Other > Suggestions

The World Ned (would have) Made

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--- Quote from: Solar on August 12, 2010, 06:05:05 pm ---There certainly is no need for an overhaul. Small changes on a few guns is all thats needed. A lot of exagerated claims are made that don't really reflect the facts.
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Well if you can do it I'll be surprised. It's just so far little changes here and there have just caused either big guns or snipers dominate the field of pvp. Another issues is the fact that pvp effectivity is extremely build-reliant rahter than player's skill reliant. New strategic elements must be put for players to utilize unless the plan was to keep it so that big numbers in some skill rule and there's no way over it.

Theres already regularly used:

Sniper Rifles
Laser Rifles
Rocket Launchers
Plasma Grenades
Frag Grenades
Assault Rifle (for cheapness/flexability)

Sometimes used and needing only a small boost to become regular:
FN FAL & M60 (These two will be used when the correct 7.62mm stats come on)
Needing only an extra perk:
Plasma pistol
14mm Pistol
.223 pistol

You then have cheap options such as:
10mm SMG
Magnums of different types
Copmat shotguns
Hunting Rifles

A whole host of low range guns/melee weapons just waiting for run to target

Mix in a fix to the drug system and a few perks/traits I personally hope to persuade the others to add in and I don't think we will be too far off, without a total overhaul.

It's not just about the weapons like I said. It's also about passive factors' effect on the outcome of actions. Perks and stats have an enormous effect on how a conflict will end. Player's accuracy, damage intake and output is more reliant on numbers in their character sheet rather than clever usage of enviroment, equipment and action points. It might not be so obvious in town control matches because players use very similar powerbuilds. But when players who have chosen luxury perks or invested in something else than combat capabilities start fighting powerbuilds the differences begin to stand out.


--- Quote from: Solar on August 12, 2010, 11:04:39 pm ---
Mix in a fix to the drug system

--- End quote ---

 I dont like current drug system, because it has contradiction in terms (i hope i use correct term..). There are plenty of drugs with different effects but the consequences are same: max life and max AP power builds.

 I preffer system, where every drugg will add little boost in only one (exept mentats) SPECIAL, but it will cause bigger drop of another stat. So if you take all drugs togeher, you will be weaker than at start.

 This could 1) support of variety of pvp chars 2) eliminate bad effects of drugs, because you will get bad addict effect at the same moment like good effect 3)Junkie traits (little modified) could have sense (bigger effect of major SPECIAL but also bigger drop on anothers and reverse)

 Also because of combination main reason of taking drugs are HP and AP, consumation of 3 or more any drugs could cause actual HP fluctuating and AP lowering..

 => no more mega junkie power builds

I'd say nerf psycho a little, and no allowing stacking of drugs, as well as a max of 2 different drugs being active at a time, it's just totally insane how über the character can get while on drugs and best gear, hopefully this won't be the case next "season".


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