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What about suggestion?

- 40 (56.3%)
- 5 (7%)
Don't care
- 4 (5.6%)
Bring us more items to craft
- 22 (31%)

Total Members Voted: 71

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Author Topic: New craftable items  (Read 5947 times)


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Re: New craftable items
« Reply #30 on: February 03, 2011, 08:39:51 pm »

Great suggestion for all! want to see these stuff implented.
I still can be reached over e-mail if you somehow need anything from me. Don't see a reason why you would, but if you do, e-mail remains the safest bet, as I do not visit this forum reliably anymore.


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Re: New craftable items
« Reply #31 on: February 04, 2011, 06:27:41 am »

Good idea but basic items like 10 mm pistol or laser pistol shouldn't requies profession level.
But like i said before Laser pistol is too powerful for lvl 0 weapon.
Phazer would be nice replace for it and it can changed for lvl 1 weapon.


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Re: New craftable items
« Reply #32 on: February 04, 2011, 07:15:00 am »

I like the backpack, that can prove handy.


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Re: New craftable items
« Reply #33 on: February 04, 2011, 11:00:24 am »

Pipe Rifle (2 wood, 1 junk)
Zip Gun (1 wood, 1 junk)
This makes little sense, you just craft 10mm pistol, but for sake of fun, why not?
Backpack (3 Brahmin hides, 2 Ropes)
How do you equip it? How does it stack? While maybe a little obvious, this might be a little unusual item in fallout by providing benefit just from being in there.
YK32 Pulse Pistol (3 HQ parts, 2 HQ Alloys, 2 Electronic parts, 1 wood, 4 Micro Fusion Cell)
Electrical damage is a little tricky being reduced enough by CA family, but MA is very vurnerable to it, maybe it could be added without that damage reduction or as a rare weapon. It has really low range anyway, so you don't need it do less than plasma pistol does.
Phazer (1 Wood, 1 Electronic parts, 1 Metal Parts)
Freaking no.
Laser Pistol (1 Wood, 2 Electronic parts, 2 Metal parts)
Laser pistol and rifle in one tier dont make much sense, plus it's EW weapon you can get easily, as a Flamer, so you have access to a gun without really needing it in first place - this is offseting old problem in fallout where you had to pick SG to play EW/BG because you couldn't get any guns early. Your solution of adding an easter egg weapon as a replacement is not good enough.

Personaly I'd add crafting level using Faction cooldown and requiring some faction achievements such as controlling towns for a bit of time at given moment or something, I'm not sure if we would get PA that way, but things like mentioned Pulse Pistol would definetly do.
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Re: New craftable items
« Reply #34 on: February 05, 2011, 03:08:49 am »

actually pulse weapons should do EMP and this type of damage should be implemented
so pulse pistol and pulse rifle will be available for craft, making bigger the poor EW arsenal
and they will do only EMP damage, practically everything actually in the game has EMP 300%resistance, including normal players
so add robots, robobrain, mr handy, EVERYONE and make him high resistance to everything exept EMP, and using cience in his corpses will give you electronic and metal parts and even good metal parts.

even a trait: Cyborg (not FO3 way)
you havent your natural resistance to EMP so you can be killed even with one bullet of pulse pistol. but you have minor probabilities of being crippled, maybe -20 in the table of critical failures, and 30% resistance against poison, radiation and fire
Current char: Oblivion, Oceansoul, Black Tears

Sorry for my bad english
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Re: New craftable items
« Reply #35 on: February 06, 2011, 02:27:52 am »

How about a tazer then, a limited range and electrical type of damage?

Yes, I want a tazer for slaving!

Also: backpacks and bags.

They must be in the game.

Trust me, they would make it sooooo much more FUN!
I wish there were bags, backpacks, etc. in Fonline.


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Re: New craftable items
« Reply #36 on: February 06, 2011, 06:27:52 am »

Also: backpacks and bags.

They must be in the game.

Trust me, they would make it sooooo much more FUN!

They are already in since Fallout 1. :P But they are bugged and need some working on it.
Re: New craftable items
« Reply #37 on: February 25, 2011, 09:57:51 pm »

Phazer kill from 1 hit actually.
so it must be rare item like bozzar.
maybe 1 encounter in desert with sleeping captain Kirk...

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Re: New craftable items
« Reply #38 on: April 07, 2011, 07:59:40 am »

Deleted Phazer and Laser pistol from crafting list.
New items coming soon :)


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Re: New craftable items
« Reply #39 on: April 07, 2011, 09:44:36 am »

add wakizashi blade on the list, and lil jesus knife, and lousville slugger. Unique items? Solar gun, and brotherhood armor were also unique... Who gives a fuck, player need that stuff ^^
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