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Author Topic: Karma and Selective Permadeath  (Read 6058 times)


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Re: Karma and Selective Permadeath
« Reply #15 on: August 10, 2010, 04:31:54 pm »

I think merc owner should always be responsible for all actions of his mercs directly commanded by him (not if they attack on their own for whatever reason).

There is a great feature for people who want to kill each other in big teams and it's called Town Control. Maybe there should be also one permanent non-permadeath-risk area, New Reno for example.
« Last Edit: August 10, 2010, 04:34:22 pm by JovankaB »


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Re: Karma and Selective Permadeath
« Reply #16 on: August 10, 2010, 04:35:25 pm »

or insted of permadeath some high replication coldowns,is better than losing a caracter that you needed 3 moths to lvl up to lvl 21

i thing permadeath is a little bit...permanent,so let's make it a temporarely v long death,like a week(whorst case)


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Re: Karma and Selective Permadeath
« Reply #17 on: August 10, 2010, 04:36:50 pm »

Long respawn = fast reloging to next war alt.
Danger of permadeath = more carefulness and higher chance of that player will still play on this char.
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Re: Karma and Selective Permadeath
« Reply #18 on: August 10, 2010, 04:43:21 pm »

I think more people will quit... I mean, a big amount of the playerbase pvps randomly in towns everyday...  And if this gets implemented... what will they do now?  Will TC be the only way to pvp with other players than that random guy out in the wasteland?  And WHEN a gang does TC, Remember EVERY big fucking gang with more di- miniguns than they could give away will come bustin in and absolutely raping everyone there (Although this happens already I imagine gangs doing it even more so).  Why?  Because they will now be more desperate than ever for some good pvp, more so than now.
Whenever I say something, imagine \"In my opinion"/ being in the front of every sentence.
Re: Karma and Selective Permadeath
« Reply #19 on: August 10, 2010, 04:49:59 pm »

There is a new PVP system on the way. I don't know if it will be alongside or if it'll replace TC.


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Re: Karma and Selective Permadeath
« Reply #20 on: August 10, 2010, 05:15:48 pm »

My idea is to introduce karma and permadeath

 Everything you suggested now is totaly useless.

 Do you realy think, that cities will be full, or at least, not empty of players, if you realize this idea? No, i dont think so. Add more content into the game, support players ideas and their activity, dont BAN every dual logger because they are ruining everything good you created and of course (i.e. my radio madbrahmin), and sometimes, go with your combat char and join pvp, to see how it is now "funny"..

 This idea is in my personal chart near the dumb ass idea of Parle. Whole idea ground is bad. Wasteland is not eden, you know. There are PK and we have to accept it. But we can do something with this. Lets support anti PK (gangs - like VSB, TTLA, ...) with some kind of guild system, but you choose punishment way, bad aproach.  And, of course, lets make special guild for PK too (with some kind of bonuses).

 But the main problem of your idea is that you dont get the actual problem of fonline.. it is not PKilling, it is absolutely no content in the game, not supproting or erasing naturaly developed content and booring (without exceptions) multi PvP (do you, Game Masters, reaiize, that we dont capture cities not because of we are not able to, but bacause it is more funny to fight for 25 minutes, than wait 25 minutes).

 So if you want to make some help, not abstract, at least, low the timer to 15 minutes. But maybe you dont have such power, to remove 10 minutes from server setting..
« Last Edit: August 10, 2010, 05:17:37 pm by Lordus »
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Re: Karma and Selective Permadeath
« Reply #21 on: August 10, 2010, 05:29:54 pm »

JovankaB, you are obviously personally responsible of everything Lordus hates in FOnline. Evil witch.
My Youtube channel.

"Another problem is that we listen to the vocal players, who in many cases are wrong-headed."
- J.E. Sawyer


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Re: Karma and Selective Permadeath
« Reply #22 on: August 10, 2010, 05:30:48 pm »

Add more content into the game, support players ideas and their activity, dont BAN every dual logger because they are ruining everything good you created and of course (i.e. my radio madbrahmin), and sometimes, go with your combat char and join pvp, to see how it is now "funny"..

This is the way to go. Soft and fun. Players must be guided and supported towards the gaming styles devs favour not pushed and whipped.

The reasons of psycho behaviour lie in lack of activity not in people's assholeyness. Well some are assholes but if there was more activity they'd be busy assholes.
And by activity I mean something almost unreachable that could still be achieved. And everybody should be after this something. There's no option to stay out, but instead the ways to reach it would be so vast that there'd be solution for everyone.
Based on evidence collected from various sources by trustworthy attendees it is undisputed veritability that the land ravaged by atomic warfare which caused extreme change of the ecosystem and environmental hazards can be considered unpleasant, rugged and unforgiving.
Re: Karma and Selective Permadeath
« Reply #23 on: August 10, 2010, 05:42:35 pm »

Yeah, and now imagine the consequences. 2 players doing friendly pvp in town, to check their skills. One kills another with a fatal strike. Then some asshole comes and kills the winner, the winner gets permadeath.
Another example - stealing would be totally abandoned. And that's because of people who kill thiefs who aren't even untagged, just because they hate them. Even if you would steal succesfuly, you would most likely perma die. Situation: a thief steals an item, starts running to the grid. Noone would know that he stole, because he succeed. But what happens now? His enemy just bursts him to death, and uses an exploit to get away from guards(there were many of those lately). Yay! You try to steal some caps, you have to restart your character!

Not going to happen.
Re: Karma and Selective Permadeath
« Reply #24 on: August 10, 2010, 05:55:31 pm »

I'm actually for this idea, but it has allot of flaws. But that's what this thread is for, to comment and add your own twist to this wonderfull suggestion. Not scream and cry about it.

The first thing that would cause an issue would be traps. A team meets a lone seemingly easy loot player, they kill him and suddenly a big band of players jumps and easily kills them. Goodbye characters!
Second thing is, this system won't protect you from a group at all. Since they can easily get away with killing a loner.
About stealing, death there should never be perma for that, as the motives are different for the thief, he just tries to live his life.
And besides its a pain to raise a thief character anyway, not something anyone would like to see vanish.
This is a good suggestion but needs some changes (allot) to work correctly, and could change the entire gameplay.


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Re: Karma and Selective Permadeath
« Reply #25 on: August 10, 2010, 05:55:52 pm »

JovankaB, you are obviously personally responsible of everything Lordus hates in FOnline. Evil witch.

 What is doing your NCR Army, i did not notice that you tried to protect mines from pk, traders from thiefs or gangs from boredom in last few days.. Maybe your soldiers have vacation. :P

 But yes, i can seriously tell, that JovankaB is responsible for end of Radio Madbrahmin project. Now, i can never win the roleplay medal from Solar.  :'(
So long and THANKS for all the fish!
Re: Karma and Selective Permadeath
« Reply #26 on: August 10, 2010, 06:28:45 pm »

My idea is to introduce karma and permadeath in a way that could perhaps be acceptable by most players and that would reduce a bit the number of trolls and douchebags (it would be still possible to be one, but now it would also be a real risk - IMHO making the game more interesting for EVERYONE, also for those who want to play some "psychopaths") while keeping more mature PvP (TC battles) intact.

1. Introduce karma.

2. The karma would drop in every location when you shoot (-30), kill (-90), successful steal (-stolen item base price/100) or do other "bad" things to players, UNLESS:
   a) the person you attacked is on "permadeath" timeout
   b) the person has "unprotected" flag (like a thief who failed stealing and was spotted by guards)
   c) the location you are in is a war arena (there is Town Control timeout in the location).
   d) the person you attacked has very low karma (I don't know, something like -2000)

3. Every time your karma drops, you enter permadeath timeout for N seconds/turns where N = karma drop. If you die during the timeout it's equal to permanent death of the character. It would reduce "shot first, ask later" attitude which is unrealistic and unfalloutish IMHO, even if it's wasteland most people aren't psychos shooting everything that moves.

4. Suiciders who will manage to kill someone are automatically permadead. Make sure there are proper checks to prevent causing permadeath by planting explosive on dead body etc exploits.

5. Add some way to turn off peramdeath timeout during events in specific locations.

6. Perhaps there should be some skull icon over a head of people on permadeath timeout, blinking during the last 5 seconds / last turn of the timeout.

Hahahahahahahaha. Thanks Jovanka for making my day, this is the best joke in last month.
Simply, what you will get is:

- list of totally useless skills made longer by 2 items (Traps skill and Steal)
- list of people who ragequit 2238 getting longer and longer, due to your not-so-obvious and in fact, STUPID, permadeath rules
- TC PWNED by your permadeath rules (if you ever played PvP, you would know that sometimes there is a lot of action when the TC timer is not active - as well before taking the town, as after taking it
- PvP not happening or just a tool for griefers, due to everyone wanting score "permakills" (imagine those sneakers in towns waiting for someone to attack someone else)
- your "karma" doesn't make any sense, as it can't get higher, just gets lower and lower... so after killing particular number of people, you would have to make another alt (yay more alts!) or be shot without any consequences
- I can go anywhere in a bluesuit with LSW or minigun in second active slot, then call the first encountered person a dick, asshole, douchebag, stupid fucker, moron and such, then when he's angry and attacks me, I kill him and YAY! He's raging more, because his character is wasted. And I laugh more. He couldn't know I had all of my drugs active, so he couldn't kill me so easily ;]

I generally agree with what was said by Lordus.
The most funny is the fact that this suggestion is made by a person who should (as a GM) know a lot about game-mechanics and "methods" used by "fonline community", then Izual (another GM) says this suggestion is almost wonderful... Seriously, if you have thought about your suggestion more than just 5 minutes, you would find it very shitty, but well..

After you implement this "permadeath system", change Server status checker to (for example):

"282 players... and counting"

instead of

"282 players"


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Re: Karma and Selective Permadeath
« Reply #27 on: August 10, 2010, 07:00:31 pm »

Hum, implemant permadeath could be a choice, but not in this way.
That just mean because you shot first, you risk permadeath, and the other nothing? Come on... I can think at thousands of possibility where it totally suck.
When you have to shoot, shoot, don't talk

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Re: Karma and Selective Permadeath
« Reply #28 on: August 10, 2010, 07:20:58 pm »

permadeath for suicidebombers is ok for me... I kinda like the rest of idea too, but it need some changes, as in this way it will be exploitable and game ruining...
Enzo Wolf
former President of Fenix Trading company
former Trading counsellor of former Gray Rock village :D


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Re: Karma and Selective Permadeath
« Reply #29 on: August 10, 2010, 09:09:36 pm »

I will agree with yu there its kind of ridiculous.  But I have solution for that, there should simply be different gaurd script in miliia, Only if a fellow gang member (in control) IS SHOT not SHOOTING at someone, they will not aid in the killing.

Basically, I am in control of town, i hav 5 militia, I shoot some poor bluesuit, they dont attack bluesut.

I am i control of town, I am shot, militia attack shooter.

Simple solution.

And Back to topic:

I really think karm drop in attacking/killing players in these towns is good enough and will hopefull reduce th continous pk a good bit, but alts...

that's pretty dumb really, the wuyy will come after the bluesuit better equiped, and when the bluesuit defends himself he gets raped by those 5 militicians... Maybe remove the militia protection of the gang member altgether for as long as the combat is initiated by the shooter who is a gang member? a bit off-topic, yes, but quite relevant to other things...
Logged Over, Boyo II&b=Shoot 150 people as they are running away from you... In the arse&c=56&d=150&e=1703&f=1
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