Other > Suggestions
About sneak.
Ghosts are everywhere ! - That s how i see actually pvp , tc system.Feel free to be like inside of big brother house.
Inventory weight which dont increasing sneak skill is the most stupid thing - for example a guy with 300sneak can loot 120 kilos of armors,ammo,guns from the battlefield and run away from city due TC.
Another dude with 300sneak and 9kilo LSW weapon in his hand is propably Harry Potter brother with magical skills, he can at opern area run to your back and put that rifle in your ass and burst.
In my opinion sneak should be nerfed.Now its big imba.
Weight due looting, and invisibility at open area - need to fix
My solution - sneak could be ingame like a scouts or something like it s already but sneak should work properly, when player use it behind barrels, standing near trees,near walls, buildings etc.
When you will detect sneak;er(see him in your FOV) you mustn;t shoot him to deactivate his sneak mode - he must hide somewhere else again and turn on his sneak again.(Now many times you loosing AP, your char is shooting and nothing happen and sneak;er run away in front of your nose)
wut? every weapon does some dmg, u want 1 shoot = 1 kill game ? magic is magic and u want it to stay as it is, b/c u abuse and expoit this feature, town control takes 15 minutes now, why cannot they nerf the sneak right now ?
How can you hold 10 miniguns and 10 BAs at once in your inventory(imagine it in real life. Possible? not)?
This game is not about reality. We could change it so it's more real, but only, when it makes gameplay better. We won't suffer worse gameplay just because someone wanted to make the game real. Sneak, 10 hits in the head with sledgehammer as Sius said, 10 miniguns and 10 BAs in inventory are not real, but thanks to them the game is fun.
the sneak as it is, is killing the game and fun, before if u came in new reno or mine u could see ur enemy run away or defend urself, now u cannot do anything, the only safe place is the one with ur militia, i havent been in new reno for the last 3-4 weeks the only thing u can find there is a couple blue sneakers with lsr or plasma nades, before u could have some quick fights here and there 2v2 3v3 2v3 now if u dont use ur sneak acc u will be useless except TC where u have >10 ur mates around u, there is many other problems like loot etc... many people have already mentioned them, the biggest problem is no action apart from TC
--- Quote from: Floodnik on August 18, 2010, 01:16:03 pm ---This game is not about reality. We could change it so it's more real, but only, when it makes gameplay better. We won't suffer worse gameplay just because someone wanted to make the game real. Sneak, 10 hits in the head with sledgehammer as Sius said, 10 miniguns and 10 BAs in inventory are not real, but thanks to them the game is fun.
--- End quote ---
Now the game is fun ? I m of a different opinion,because of that whole not fixed / nerfed things.
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