Iguana bob needs you help to restock his shop.
Skills you need
Items what he need
- Scorpion tails (5)
- Flowers (2)
- Xander Root (5)
- Antidote (3)
- Weak Healing Powder (3)
- Sledgehammer (2)
- Knife (3)
- Collecting 1 of these items(set) (Scorpions tails, Xander Root, Antidote, flowers) you gained 30 exp.
- Collecting 2 of these items(set) (Scorpions tails, Xander Root, Antidote) you gained 60 exp.
- Collecting 1 of these items(set) (Knife, Sledgehammer, Weak Healing Powder) you gained 70 exp.
- Collecting 2 of these items(set) (Knife, Sledgehammer, Weak Healing Powder) you gained 100 exp.
Better rewards
- Collecting all these items(set) (Knife, Sledgehammer, Weak Healing Powder,) he give you 15% discount to shop.
Boyce got boring and need something to repair.
Skills you need
CH 3
Items you need
- Tool
- .44 revolver/.44 desert eagle more than 0% detoration.
- 0% revolver/eagle
- 50 .44 ammo
- 50 exp
Junktown part2
Boyce need again you help.. one of his guards in junktown mines don't stop shooting and killing people. you can take care of him.
Skills you need
CH 3
Other reguirements
Lvl 5
Able to win junktown scout (52 hp)
Items you need
Weapon to take care of scout
300 exp
+50 rep with junktown