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which one suggestions are better?

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Bad.. both of them
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Author Topic: Slaves/mercs more useful.  (Read 2070 times)


  • 'Insanity'
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Slaves/mercs more useful.
« on: August 07, 2010, 04:50:10 pm »

There is some suggestion for slaves, because now on slaves used just mine and fight (or making money).

Slaves suggestions

1. You can command you slave to make "street store" (selling something stuff what you have given him)
2. Slaves can gather resources alone (this is so many times writed, but this sounds good)
3. Slaves can send to wasteland get more experience (like normal players :D )

Mercs suggestions
1. Can command to get new slaves (enough to get one slaves, if you want more then you can send more mercs for that guys help)
2. Mercs can send too wasteland get experience.

These are maybe little useless, but i just wanted to suggest.


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Re: Slaves/mercs more useful.
« Reply #1 on: August 07, 2010, 04:52:34 pm »

Huh. Sorry, but no. Why not telling them to take a town for you, too ?

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Re: Slaves/mercs more useful.
« Reply #2 on: August 08, 2010, 02:54:00 am »

No, it's simple : Add the command for Merc/Slave to loot who he kill
Re: Slaves/mercs more useful.
« Reply #3 on: August 08, 2010, 10:10:15 am »

Just repair mercs/slaves AI. They are bloking themselfs now ect. Fix it, please.


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Re: Slaves/mercs more useful.
« Reply #4 on: August 09, 2010, 04:52:11 pm »

I like the slave shop, but on the condition that it would be seen only when youre online and maybe 1-2hr after so no big mass of player but of course thieves would whine because youd rather make them unstealable and unlootable
Chars: Perforator, Penetrator Leaderator


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Re: Slaves/mercs more useful.
« Reply #5 on: August 12, 2010, 05:04:55 am »

nahh with the expection of AI i think they are perfect
Aku Soku Zan
Re: Slaves/mercs more useful.
« Reply #6 on: August 12, 2010, 07:03:57 am »

maybe make an expensive ass merc (75k) that can do things like this? well sorta
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  • 'Insanity'
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Re: Slaves/mercs more useful.
« Reply #7 on: August 12, 2010, 07:04:46 am »

maybe make an expensive ass merc (75k) that can do things like this? well sorta
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Re: Slaves/mercs more useful.
« Reply #8 on: August 12, 2010, 07:14:12 am »

merc for 75k that can do that and sell him armed c4.... jeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :D


  • 'Insanity'
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Re: Slaves/mercs more useful.
« Reply #9 on: August 12, 2010, 07:17:56 am »

merc for 75k that can do that and sell him armed c4.... jeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :D
You give me good idea for :)


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Re: Slaves/mercs more useful.
« Reply #10 on: August 12, 2010, 07:44:04 am »

I like your mercenary slaver idea.

Something like this though:  An attack command on NPCs that you attack or are attacked by, that doesn't kill but knocks out or -hp, and if they have rope on them, they'll immediately enslave them, making slaving runs, literally slaving runs.  BUT!!!!

We need a seperate follower count for slaves and mercenaries for it to be very useful :/ (gets 3 mercs and slave runs 5 trappers but can only get 2 of them?  Just doesnt make sense).

5 mercenaries 5 slaves, also slaves shouldn't count in your global world count, but mercenaries should have a 10 global world count.  But I'm sure that would take an extreme amount of coding so...................
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Re: Slaves/mercs more useful.
« Reply #11 on: August 12, 2010, 08:05:22 am »

NPC shops i agree with, but i'd do them in a different way, requiring a contract with the city to pay a tax, and only NPCs that can sell stuff, are hired clerks from a office inside the city, and if killed, the shop keeper merc's gear would be looted by any guards that are close enough, as for being pick pocketable, if they've got protection from the guards due to the contract with the city, than i don't think boosting the spotting power of them would be to bad, since they'd be standing watch over items, not doing other things. but all and all, a non-combat NPC like that could be handy for a supplie master for a gang base as well. and also setting up the prices for different types of items, and perhaps having a "faction chip" which would act like a means of getting gear from the trader without spending pure caps, wouldn't amuse huge PvP gangs, but it'd be fun for the lower level groups.

gathering resources i do agree with, but not crafting, just basic farming of resources, and only if given the right tools. and they'd work with a slower time out. also, as a "mine camping" work around, you could make it against the law to have slaves work there due to the NCR rangers. thus not allowing them to farm some protected mines, but still able to farm unguarded ones, and maybe having to buy a contract for areas like the San Fran mine. and maybe for the junk town mine.

as for merc slavers, i'd agree that a option to allow them to not kill a enemy could work, but other wise thats as far as i'd say that should go, since that'd be a bit to easy.

i missed a few points, but its late here.. >,..,> so any new suggestions i'd have liked to add, are already written down in this topic.

anyway, cheers folks.

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