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Character Builds
--- Quote from: Attero on January 13, 2010, 03:37:41 pm ---got same question but with Energy master its
according to manual so its lets say for max lv you need 9 int or maybe 8
finally i assume that no temp buff can allow you to learn proffession ?:P
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>8 that means you need 9
Dont ever take 1 luck if you are going to be shooting anything. You dont want to critically miss, especiially if you are energy weapons char, could be fatal. But also with BG, you dont want to break it and be left with nothing but your fists to defend yourself with in a cave full of deathclaws. Actually, my advice from gaining much more experience since my last post in this thread is to never enter a cave unprepared and alone. Always go with atleast two BG chars or more. I went in one once that had half a dozen daddy-deathclaws all crowding the entrance/exit to the cave. You cant run along the edge of a vace exit grid till your end-combat timeout runs out like you can on a regular WM square thats open on all sides. And they will hit through your armor and have 200+ hp. Thats the only advice I'll share at this moment. But yeah, those corrections people gave of my recommended char build were correct, so listen to them!
I agree. 1 Luck = screw yourself
You'll broken your legs when trying to punch,
lost your ammo..
drop your gun...
fall to the ground...
hit allieds in a combat...
is funny..
I advice you to check fallout wiki for perk requirements and what perks give before you make a character. Don't just look at perks you like. Look at all available perks.
--- Quote from: _Youkai_ on January 22, 2010, 10:26:01 pm ---I agree. 1 Luck = screw yourself
You'll broken your legs when trying to punch,
lost your ammo..
drop your gun...
fall to the ground...
hit allieds in a combat...
is funny..
--- End quote ---
I'm pretty sure that only happens if you are jinxed or you are under your weapons min requirements
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