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Character Builds

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Any Advice on certian Character Builds?

I suggest you to use Hawk-EyE's one, that seems to work perfectly.

Like i asked in Hawk-Eyes thread; how does this character-builder help us? I dont get it. I think what CaloNord was asking was for experienced players to offer some tips on the different kinds of character build that seem to be the most successful surviving the world of 2238. I wouldnt mind hearing some of the responses myself. I am sure everyone has strong opinions about this.

From my own experience:

At first I tried several different crafting character builds. I liked the idea of a crafting system but found it to be tedious and boring and made for an extremely weak character that took forever to level up. Still, I thought maybe after I finally leveled up some it would get better. It didnt. I still died so often trying to gather resources and kept losing anything I made before I could even make good use of it that I gave up on crafting.

Now I am training a fighter build. He started with 10 strength, 10 endurance, 10 Agility, 7 luck, and 4s in Intelligence and charisma. to get that many 10s I used the strength and agilty boosting perks and redistributed the extra base character points they gave me till i got the above arrangement. For skills I tagged Unarmed, Melee and Outdoorsman. Outdoorsman because it is vital for surviving random encounters when you are low level and without protection of any kind. Unarmed because as everyone knows by now, noone survives long enough at lower levels to hold on to a weapon for more than a few minutes and at lower levels it is extremely difficult to get hold of a good weapon, unless your in a faction, or a high level friend gives you startup equipment. But as often as you will die I dont think most of us can depend on a friend to give us starting equipment again and again, like every few minutes.

So Unarmed is the way to go for early xp, so that when you die you lose nothing and can go right back out and begin earning xp again as soon as you respawn. No long slow process of getting started back up again. Just go right back out and starting punching things again. With high outdoorsman you will be offered the choice whether or not to enter an encounter much more often and so you can pass by the impossibly hard encounters without a scratch. When you get your level up then you can start investing points in other skills like small arms or something so you can take on much bigger and badder foes for much bigger and better xp rewards.

A four charisma is enough to have a few followers so you can go out hunting in a gang. But you can still join bigger gangs as a follower. As for the quests that require more charisma, they arent worth it. There just arent enough of them to compete with the xp you will gain from constant combat and they waste tons and tons of time you could spending earning xp on hunting trips. Plus you need to carry things with you to complete the quests and your chance of making the quests unsolveable because of lost items upon death is pretty high at low levels. Another thing about charisma, many people think they need it to be able to make any money because of the barter skill. But you will make much better money selling your stuff to other players anyway, so forget about depending on NPCs for money, they'll rip you off no matter how high your charisma is. The only advantage i see to a high charisma right now is the ability to lead a much larger hunting party.

To get a tent as the experts recommend is nearly impossible at lower levels to do on your own. You either need buku caps to buy the 10 hides or you need to find a higher level gang willing to take you in search of random brahmin encounters which are extremely rare, and thus takes forever. Not many gangs are going to want to spend the time looking for them just for you. But if you can find or recruit a gang of say level 1s,2s,3s,and 4s who need to also find hides for tent building, then go for it! Just make sure you can all find each other again so you can keep trying after you all get wiped out by a random encounter with tommy gun weilding Yakuza or get caught in a crossfire between various heavily armed NPC gangs.

If you can get out of the crossfire in time and hide though, they might just kill each other off so you can loot the corpses, but if you built a character like mine you'll be better off sticking to your unarmed skill untill you're higher level and have raised up a gun skill. Also, I've never found any kind of armor on any of the ones I've looted, its always guns, ammo, stimpacks, melee weapons, etc. Armor would be nice have once in a while. But I get along well enough without it with my high outdoorsman skill. I also am constantly recruiting people to go hunting.

Well, hope that helped.

The point of having a character builder is to know exactly what stats you will have at max level.

Thanks Tennessee!!, just the infomation i needed.


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