Other > Suggestions
One character per IP/Computer.
the 200% would hamper snipers greatly and boost Big Guns even farther, because you don't need more than 190% to use an avenger properly (in fact, you only need about 170%), however, snipers have to go all the way up to 250-260% skill in their weapons category, we would see even less vaariation in the characters if the weapons were categorised into primitive and modern, all you'd see would be 170% Avengers running about because snipers will only be able to shoot them effectively in the avenger's effective range (a hot cup of minigun rape anyone?)
--- Quote from: Badger on August 07, 2010, 12:38:51 am ---I think the alting problem are FOnline's gameplay flaws shown to their absolute extreme. (And how Fallout's skill system doesn't transfer into multiplayer games).
People will always try and munchkin the hell out of games. But the fact it's this commonplace means something hasn't been addressed. Is it the crafting requirements? The lack of combat effectiveness if you make your main a crafter? The need to join useless NPC factions?
Part of me thinks making less high end stuff craftable would also cut down on this.
My suggestions are going with the Van Buren skillset and making the maximum skill 200.
--- End quote ---
Make BA and super sledges only Buyable from the Brotherhood.
Make Avenger only Buyable from enclave.
Remove level cap (or let the skill points grow after reaching 21 lvl) and also limit of 4 professions per character, and I can vote yes, delete my clumsy medic and even more clumsy armorer with high repair skill, and play like real happy and free man with one char, what I always wanted to do here.
Making it restricted by IP, computer's ID, forum account or whatever won't change anything. Many people, including myself, have more than one computer, and IP, static or dynamic, makes no difference as long as there is proxy magic somewhere.
I don't like having zylion alts either, but we need to get rid of reason for making them. Anyone seen a mining bot last time? Since we have almost-like-perfect mining system, and any other resources can be easily found, there is no need to use bots for gathering (unless you are really lazy). Same with alts - make them useless, and they will be gone.
John Hancock:
There are so many ways to sidestep the IP check, it's not even funny. I won't name any of them here, so as not to give ill-behaved people any ideas, but I can think of several pretty much foolproof methods just off the top of my head. I have access to most of those methods myself. (Admittedly, the annoying gathering cooldown makes using them tempting, but I'd rather quit than cheat.)
Only one of those methods would be prevented by allowing one character per IP/computer, and that would hurt a lot of people without really solving the problem.
The fact is, you just can't stop all the cheaters from cheating, and solutions that would piss off everyone else (like this thread) are just preposterous. You can stop some, but not all.
--- Quote from: Wichura on August 07, 2010, 01:26:31 am ---Remove level cap (or let the skill points grow after reaching 21 lvl) and also limit of 4 professions per character, and I can vote yes, delete my clumsy medic and even more clumsy armorer with high repair skill, and play like real happy and free man with one char, what I always wanted to do here.
--- End quote ---
this is something I gotta agree with, having this would make alts completely pointless, in FO2 there was no level cap (just as an example), but simply stop health from increasing past lvl 21, and disallow new perks past lvl 30/32 (no sniper or slayer though, too imba), and maybe change the skill capacity depending on your SPECIAL stats
1) 100 + (n*20) = Skill Limit (drugs won't work to help you surpass the skill limit(no limit breaks)), Simple formula really...
Str dependant skill limits= Big Guns, Unarmed
Per dependant skill limits= Small Guns, Energy Weapons, Lockpick, Outdoorsman
End dependant skill limits= Traps
Cha dependant skill limits= Speech, Barter
Int dependant skill limits= Science, Repair, First Aid, Doctor
Agi dependant skill limits= Sneak, Steal, Throwing
Luk dependant skill limits= Gambling
2) Or we could make them dependant on two special stats, making use of this formula
SmGu ________ |____ x____|_______|_________|________|____x____ |___________
BiGu ____x____|_________|___x____|________ |________|_________|___________
EnWe _________|____x____|________|________|___x____ |_________|___________
Un ____x____ |_________|_______|_________|________|____x____|___________
MeWe _________|_________|___x___ |_________|________|____x____|___________
Th ________ |____x_____|_______|_________|________|____x____|___________
FiAi ________ |__________|_______|_________|____x___|_________|____x______
Do _________|____x_____|_______|_________|____x___|_________|___________
Sn _________|__________|_______|_________|________|____x____|____x______
Lo _________|____x_____|_______ |_________|________|____x____|___________
St _________|__________|_______ |___x_____|________|_________|____x______
Tr _________|__________|_______ |_________|____x___|____x____|___________
Sc _________|____x_____|_______ |_________|____x___|_________|___________
Re ____ x____|__________ |_______ |_________|____x___|_________|___________
Sp __________|____x_____|________|___x____ |________|_________|___________
Ba __________|__________|________|___x____ |____x___|_________|___________
Ga __________ |__________|________|___x____ |________|_________|____x______
Ou __________|____x_____ |___x____|________ |________|_________|___________
Note: this is only a demonstration table on how it could look like
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