So Suicidal Missions/Heroic Acts get a seal.
Of course, Suicide Bombing should not get a seal.
What if I used bombing for exploration, like blasting my way into BoS Headquarters- not just all of the little BoS outposts, but the Lost Hills Bunker as well?
I did that, but working solo, I had no way to infiltrate before the guards began respawning (had to wait for cooldowns before jumping over to other bombers).
I made it inside, but called it a day at that point.
With helpers, I could have got in much faster, and killed the guards on the first level... maybe even cleared the Bos Base. Except the respawn of guards would prevent that.
Still, clearing a path to the Storage Room seems feasible without an army. I just hope that there are treasures in there, and that the door is bombable.
Last Wipe I did this to the VC Operation Center, but it had no loot or Easter Eggs.
Without helpers (or a lot of fast/dual relog cheating) it is not possible to loot the BoS Storage Room, but I got close to it.
OneTwoThreeFourFiveIt actually took a lot more tries than that.
Like 14 or so, with the guards respawning and the door respawning and having to adjust the bomb loads.
Depleted the stockpile.
So, is there a
Sapper Seal?
BTW: none of the Bombers were ever BoS members.
I suppose a "Man On The Inside" approach could be helpful. (Bring cows/slaves/etc. with different timers on bombs, have them wait next to guards and doors, do it all in 1 swell foop.)