only pvp power builds enjoy real time because it ensures them victory with their builds. there is no strategic value in waiting in a town for someone to walk in so you can mow them down with their minigun powerbuild, almost every single person i played with has stopped playing because of what the game turned into over the past few months.
LOVE: Fallout. HATE: RT..............Fallout is not realtime, its a singleplayer turnbased engine, shoved into RT.It sucked in tactics and it sucks in this. At least in tactics u HAD a chance to run away, without dreaded lag attack LOVE: Fallout. If Combat was TB only, i think there would be more stratergy in combat.
on the other hand, I prefer RT. I feel RT is an exceptional fallout experience and when played properly (ie. not simply stand there and shoot + press stims) provides a truly engaging and interesting fallout experience.also, TB is buggy as shit when it comes to pvp.