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Eastern Hospitality - Mercenaries

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Also plus to, even if you did a good job (which I assume ;) ) - you are simply outnumbered, the Eastern Hospitality is much bigger then just 1-2 people, Michel.. ;)


--- Quote from: Surf Solar on August 02, 2010, 11:35:00 pm ---Also plus to, even if you did a good job (which I assume ;) ) - you are simply outnumbered, the Eastern Hospitality is much bigger then just 1-2 people, Michel.. ;)

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1 playr and 5 mercs of that player and his friends...  Not entirely useless.

--- Quote from: Pozzo on August 02, 2010, 11:33:28 pm ---The problem Michaelh is that you need to make a reputation before being a mercenary, that's why your business did not work good :)

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I got decent nough experience in tc and random pvp now... maybe i should reopen?


--- Quote from: Michaelh139 on August 02, 2010, 11:37:01 pm ---1 playr and 5 mercs of that player and his friends...  Not entirely useless.

--- End quote ---

I didn't say useless, but it's WAY too less manpower ;)

Steve Zissou:
these are ex-convicts and criminals michaelh, sadly you are only little league compared to these animals :)

Well boys, i like you because you are old fonline players.. but i am afraid i cant agree with your neutrality.. because current pvp is boring, more enemy gangs = more fun :)


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