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Eastern Hospitality - Mercenaries

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Since The Rogues have become inactive and retired. the last half-active players made Eastern Hospitality - Mercenary Company - we want to earn some money til they also retire( for drugs and slave chicks ). So we are offering you some awesome services, like killing some faggots from your black list, protecting players/gangs at journeys around the wastes, help with TC, protecting/burning mines or whatever your wish is, kurwa

Eastern Hospitality mercenary list (03.08.2010)
MANIAC- natural born killer, orphan - raised by mutants. he can fuck alone (only with his avenger) entire gang and after fight rape they`re dead bodies.
Craken/Shanna- our gang farmer and food provider. Craken was born in a small village - probably thats why he have strange habbits, like wearing his shirt in his pants. Cracken have no idea about fashion, only about killing people and farming brahmins.
Linnea - Jet Whore, she can do anything for jet, even made a blowjob to an radiated ghoul! cunt!
MSH/CUMDRAGON - most awesome strategist and the most handsome guy on wasteland, and fucking drug addict, he even adding buffouts to his tea.
Kartowka - a hardcore ukrainian motherfucker, drinks more vodka than all the modoc brahmins you can name - which doesn't stop him from hitting you straight in the eye 2km away with his sniper rifle.

ok, we changed politic a bit to be more agresive, thats mean we shooting to everone exept people/gangs wich we are actually hired
list of member our organisation :
>   100mushrooms   
>   rogue?armor1
>   U WILL DIE   
>   cumdragon2   
>   Ěĺăŕ?ĺáŕđü
>   âűďčëčâŕň
>   CaladBolg
>   Crazy Linnea
>   óíč÷ňîćŕň
>   Craken
>   Craken II
>   Craken III
>   RenoVatio
>   Violett
>   ńňĺđë˙ň
>   ďëŕçěŕőóţáń

( i will update list later )

you can find us @ irc #easternhospitality and sometimes in game - radio channel #303

test price for TownControl services - 240x5mm * number of mercenaries + 2 buffouts * number , if we succes


--- Quote from: maszrum on August 01, 2010, 11:21:23 pm ---Since The Rogues have become inactive and retired. the last half-active players made Eastern Hospitality - Mercenary Company - we want to earn some money til they also retire( for drugs and slave chicks ). So we are offering you some awesome services, like killing some faggots from your black list, protecting players/gangs at journeys around the wastes, help with TC, protecting/burning mines or whatever your wish is, kurwa

Eastern Hospitality mercenary list (01.08.2010) :
MANIAC - natural born killer, orphan - raised by mutants. he can fuck alone (only with his avenger) entire gang and after fight rape they`re dead bodies
Craken/Shanna - our gang farmer and food provider. Craken was born in a small village - probably thats why he have strange habbits, like wearing his shirt in his pants. Cracken have no idea about fashion, only about killing people and farming brahmins
Linnea - Jet Whore, she can do anything for jet, even made a blowjob to an radiated ghoul
MSH/CUMDRAGON - most awesome strategist and the most handsome guy on wasteland, and fucking drug addict, he even adding buffouts to his tea

--- End quote ---

I want to hire you to collect xander root and broc flowers for me. Paying 30 caps each.

everything must be related to killing people, and we dont need caps, just 5mm ap and drugs

i pay 2 jets, 4 nukas and 40 5mm AP ( 1 avanger burst ) for kill ' Riot ' with flamer! He must make ' flame-dance ' ! I pay next 2 jets when u show me screen!


--- Quote ---<Ahbobsaget> you guys takin jobs?
<Linnea> yes:P
<Ahbobsaget> what do you accept as payment
<Ahbobsaget> caps, drugs ammo, what
<Linnea> drugs and ammo i guess
<Ahbobsaget> http://www.imagebam.com/image/8b39bd91167455
<Ahbobsaget> just sothwest of ncr / mine

--- End quote ---

first mission is completed successfully!
waiting for more


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