Well, only had a look at your BG-build for now.
First of all, you missed Brof and with your agility you wont be able to fire 2 shots per turn. For me thats a must have as big gunner and its also doable without using any drugs.
Then you should take at least 1 lifegiver, maybe 2, dont forget you are supposed to be a tank somehow, you may easily be outranged by snipers which means you need to move into firing range before you can shoot.
And i dont see much use in the 3x more criticals as you cant aim for the eyes or arms. Doing those body bursts gives you no bonus to critical hit chance (afaik) and you should already do enough damage with 2x bonus ranged damage.
You should consider taking at least 1x toughness as well as the DR counts for each bullet if i remember it right.
In the end i would trade the more critical perks for 2x lifegiver and 1x toughness, i would choose 8 in AGI so 2 nuka would give you 10AP in the end which enables you to fire 2 bursts per row if you also trade the better criticals perk for bonus rate of fire. I dont think you really need those insane crits as a big gunner and i believe that your average damage output would be higher in the end this way.