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A Few Newbie Questions

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San Fran has been the best place for me to swap encounter crap for caps. It is out the way enough that few people are there to check the traders, and it is a guarded town.
I have been to New Reno three times and been killed three times within about two minutes. Thankfully the last two times I went there after having died already, so I had nothing to lose.

I too started just 2/3 days ago. I've spent most of my time around NCR, mining, sellling stuff (I've been lucky with NCR trader cap spawns) and farming Mantis/Scorpions for XP. Level 13 and 25k caps now, so not a bad start I don't think... but yes, this game is harsh, and you need to read a lot before you can even think about playing.  Choosing One-Hander and Finesse seems to have made it a particularly though start for me, but I hope the .223 pistol is worth it... The Q&A thread seems to belong to me right now :)

I've been 'tagged' two or three times already so it is worth looking out for.

I guess just a bit more levelling and then I need to find/choose a faction...

If you would like, i can help you find the Train Stations. Those are a real big help in getting across the map. I usually make runs to san fransico to sell for caps and believe me at my lvl (9) it would've been impossible or take a long time.

One word of advise if you want to avoid pk'ers i've learned not to travel b/w squares of cities. As in the shortest route is the route most people will take.

For example the hub and junktown are seperated by 4 squares. Because many people cross b/w those two cities you tend to find alot of encounter with people in it or people showing up in your encounters. What im saying is that you should make your own paths and try to stray away from paths most people would take. Unless you dont care.

John Hancock:

--- Quote from: Baptiste on July 31, 2010, 05:09:35 am ---San Fran has been the best place for me to swap encounter crap for caps. It is out the way enough that few people are there to check the traders, and it is a guarded town.
I have been to New Reno three times and been killed three times within about two minutes. Thankfully the last two times I went there after having died already, so I had nothing to lose.

...The Q&A thread seems to belong to me right now :)
--- End quote ---

I'll see if I can't get the train stations so I can get caps in San Fran. Walking there on foot is out of the question for now, I think. I might still try New Reno, just to see how it is up there if nothing else.

And yes, that Q&A thread is excellent. It's the Bible of this game. Thanks to it, I've got a gigantic pile of brahmin hides (even after making a new tent) and will probably try selling some.

--- Quote from: xPoncex on July 31, 2010, 06:37:55 am ---If you would like, i can help you find the Train Stations. Those are a real big help in getting across the map. I usually make runs to san fransico to sell for caps and believe me at my lvl (9) it would've been impossible or take a long time.

One word of advise if you want to avoid pk'ers i've learned not to travel b/w squares of cities. As in the shortest route is the route most people will take.
--- End quote ---

I'm pretty sure I can get the Train Stations myself, since there's a map on the Wiki and I know how the quest works. I definitely appreciate your offer of help, but may not need it (unless you're high Outdoorsman or something and can lead my slower character).

Yeah, I didn't understand how player-player encounters worked before, but I do now. Very important advice. When I'm carrying a load of precious cargo, I try to avoid direct routes if possible.

* * * * * * * * * * *

Thanks to everyone for the advice and offers to show me the ropes in-game. I'll probably take you up on it, but for now I'm "tinkering" with the game, so it may be a few days before I proactively seek you out in-game to say hello. (I might show up where you hang out, send you a PM on the forum, look you up on IRC, etc.).

Oh, one more question (from here on out, I'll keep individual questions in the Q&A thread): With that "go to world map to trade" thing, how should I meet the buyer? Stand on the very edge of town naked, with the stuff I'm selling held in my hands, have the buyer follow me, then just leave town, stand still, and trade?

I'm not asking because I'm scared to try it, I'm asking because I don't want to piss buyers off by doing it wrong.


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