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A Few Newbie Questions
John Hancock:
Hello! I just started playing FOnline: 2238 yesterday. I've been playing the original Fallout games regularly since 1997-1998.
After reading the manual, the wiki and some of the guides and threads here on the forum, I accomplished more than I thought I would — got my first tent set up; learned to mine and craft; stockpiled some armor, guns, ammunition and other items; learned Gunsmith (Small Guns) 1; did a few quests; have 1,000 caps left in the bank; reached character level 6; and a few other things besides. The game seems pretty hardcore, but it's not too difficult to start scratching out a living.
I got PKed once early on, and was robbed pretty badly not too long ago, but hey, other people got to make a living too. Anyway, the name of the game here is clearly getting caps, since guns and ammo are fairly easy to make on your own. Looks to me like the merchants fill up on caps every now and then, and are promptly cleaned out by anyone and everyone.
Question #1: How can I maximize my chances of finding merchants with caps? Do I just need to get lucky? Or is there a schedule/strategy I can use?
Question #2: If I want to sell things to other players (cheap ammunition for example), what's the safest way to go about doing that? I'm leery of getting robbed or killed while sealing the deal.
Question #3: Are there public radio channels people tend to use a lot? Or does all-public chat pretty much go into IRC?
Could always shovel brahmin crap for cash, to get Gunsmith 2 if nothing else, but any other tips and/or hints (pertaining to caps or anything else) are welcome. I have IRC open too, but I try not to pester the people in there too much with fuckin' new guy questions.
Thanks for reading. Tonight I plan to cook up some character builds and stat progressions since, as you'd expect, my current one isn't great (it's not bad, but not great, either).
Quentin Lang:
It warms my hearth that there are actually people who manage to more or less successfully start the game all by themselves and not whine on forums ''this shit sucks''. I guess my first impression about you is ''a bright fella!'' so im happy to help, or atleast try.
Answer #1: They turn stuff into caps every once and awhile, but i gotta say, caps aint actually that valuable in player-to-player trade (atleast from my experience). Like 80% deals i've used caps in were with NPCs, i.e. base buying, merc buying, caravan buying and so on.
Answer #2: In world map. He tags you, you go out and both safely trade. Thats just one of possible ways, use imagination.
Answer #3: No, AFAIK there are no 'public' radio channels. And use IRC, its worth it. Once (if) you get in a faction (choose carefully, tho), IRC becomes useful.
John Hancock:
Yeah, I was determined to make my own way starting out with a minimum of whining, and I guess I succeeded. Good thing I read about tent-followers, scams and such like first, though. I've gotten in the habit of staring at my follower bar for three or four seconds every time I hit the world map. (No one's tried to follow me yet, though).
I think I'm already addicted... there's a bunch of stuff to do in this game, and you have to watch your ass all the time, which makes it exciting.
I agree, there's limited use for caps outside of NPC trades... professions, cars, the stuff you mentioned. I've gotten caps of course, it's just totally random. Might get 1,000 caps one hour from a merchant, then go three or four hours without finding anything, and checking merchants is a risk when you need to carry valuables to trade with you.
Thanks for the trading tip! That helps. I'm going to try selling some ammo for caps next, using the IRC trade channel/shout/forums/whatever. Pretty sure that between that and luck, I can get Gunsmith 2 before too long.
Ned Logan:
--- Quote from: Quentin Lang on July 30, 2010, 08:51:25 pm ---Answer #2: In world map. He tags you, you go out and both safely trade. Thats just one of possible ways, use imagination.
--- End quote ---
Actually I don't recommend this, the leader of the group then can get to a empty tile and kill you.
I prefer finding a quiet spot near guards, and use normal trade interface (hidden mode). You need to stand right next to each other so make sure you see at your avatar when the window is on, so you see you are not being stolen from - if you are, fast close the window with ESC and run away a few hexes...
Quentin Lang:
--- Quote from: Ned Logan on July 30, 2010, 09:04:27 pm ---Actually I don't recommend this, the leader of the group then can get to a empty tile and kill you.
I prefer finding a quiet spot near guards, and use normal trade interface (hidden mode). You need to stand right next to each other so make sure you see at your avatar when the window is on, so you see you are not being stolen from - if you are, fast close the window with ESC and run away a few hexes...
--- End quote ---
1. Not if he's the leader.
2. And if he's not the leader, right after following the trade partner (lets say, exiting NCR) he can click on his name in follower bar, slide on the abandon party icon to be ready to leave. If the 'trade partner-leader' starts moving somewhere, he can simply leave the party, if not, cancel action and accept trade. And as i said, its just one of many ways. Just use your imagination.
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