Other > Closed suggestions

XL70E3 tweaks

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I can't think of a good reason not to. While we're at it, can anyone think of any other guns that nobody ever uses - in neither PvP nor solo?

Agreed, this weapon needs a serious buff.
Its a tier 3 weapon yet the assault rifle is far better.

Quentin Lang:

--- Quote from: Badger on July 30, 2010, 07:00:57 pm ---I can't think of a good reason not to. While we're at it, can anyone think of any other guns that nobody ever uses - in neither PvP nor solo?

--- End quote ---
Well, if i follow 'nobody ''ever'' uses' then theres no list, but imo generally the ''least used guns'' are
-sawed-off shotgun
-pancor jackhammer
-tommy gun

Thats my guess.

Hmm, what about the energy pistols?


--- Quote from: Quentin Lang on July 30, 2010, 07:18:22 pm ---Well, if i follow 'nobody ''ever'' uses' then theres no list, but imo generally the ''least used guns'' are
-sawed-off shotgun
-pancor jackhammer
-tommy gun

Thats my guess.

--- End quote ---

scratch the jackhammer, CAWS and Jackhammer are perfect for Pve, and Jackhammer can be used properly when fighting close quarters (though no one uses it since there are better alternatives) Shotguns are newbie weapons, and are fine.
There is a discussion thread about the tommy gun out there, they aren't going to change it I think.
M60 needs a buff yes, ammo wise.

--- Quote from: Badger on July 30, 2010, 07:22:43 pm ---Hmm, what about the energy pistols?

--- End quote ---

Cheap starter weapon for EW builds. And pretty deadly to, dont underestimate it. the range is supreme for a pistol, same for damage. But its pretty bad for fast shot people though, but then again, who takes fast shot with EW?
I use it myself to troll with if I want to, or if i need cheap protection. Also it's a great crippler weapon, since it has great range and low ap usage. Heck I could say its the best crippler weapon out there, though you will never damage your enemies if you take finesse along with it.


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