Other > Closed suggestions

XL70E3 tweaks

(1/6) > >>

Ned Logan:

Increase single shot range to something between 45 and 48, and damage to 12-25, so it is better than assault rifle(12-21; range: 42), but worse than sniper rifle (14-34; range: 50).
This would make it a versatile weapon for lone snipers who could use burst mode when surrounded by enemies, actually making it worth using at all.
For burst P90 would still be better because it fires 12 bullets, not 8, and costs 1 AP less...

Winston Wolf:
Yeah. It's kinda ridiculous that an Avenger has a higher range than a rifle with a scope.

Yeah I also suggested that once. Its underpowered gun for its requirements.

Quentin Lang:

--- Quote from: kraskish on July 30, 2010, 04:52:44 pm ---Yeah I also suggested that once. Its underpowered gun for its requirements.

--- End quote ---
Indeed, just like the M60.

I'm all for!


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