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Author Topic: Medics - once again  (Read 4279 times)


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Medics - once again
« on: July 30, 2010, 12:48:32 am »

Ok I've decided to give it another try and create pure medic char. But before I create one I have few questions about healing in FOnline.

- what is the FA cooldown at 300 skill?
- is it possible to get over 300 with perks/items? (Theoretically its 300+10+100=410 while "Field Medic FA Kit" does not alter CD. So where is the difference between "capped FA" and "capped FA+equipped FA kit"?
- is it ok just to hold the kit in one hand while I use other items in the other or does it have to be actually "in my active hand" to get +bonus from the item?
- is LK completely gone from FA formula or not?

Any info about this will be appreciated.

And one to the devs: As you can see there are literary no medics what so ever ingame right now. Everyone counts on 1x FA + superstimps that are more than enough to keep your char up and running in fight for a few seconds longer. I think medics definitely should have their role in fights but with current server setup its simply useless to role a medic (but I'm curious if FA powerbuild will make the difference even tho I doubt it).  Are there plans to do something about this? Some new features or just adjusting cooldowns/healing done for high skill characters or altering way the items work or anything that will help create useful and wanted medic character?


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Re: Medics - once again
« Reply #1 on: July 30, 2010, 12:55:23 am »

I don't know the answer to other questions, but Solar's First Aid formula is on the first or second page of this thread:

Oh, my bad, it was Atom that posted it; Solar clarified it with examples of 6 and 10 Luck.
« Last Edit: July 31, 2010, 04:45:16 am by Dishonest Abe »
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Shit! Damn admins! Always ruining my fun! I guess I'll talk to them. WITH MY FISTS!!!! No seriously, I will write them a nice email or make a thread on the forums or something. Thanks!


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Re: Medics - once again
« Reply #2 on: July 30, 2010, 12:57:54 am »

Ok I've decided to give it another try and create pure medic char. But before I create one I have few questions about healing in FOnline.

- what is the FA cooldown at 300 skill?

Don't know

- is it possible to get over 300 with perks/items? (Theoretically its 300+10+100=410 while "Field Medic FA Kit" does not alter CD. So where is the difference between "capped FA" and "capped FA+equipped FA kit"?

only if your really really patien i believe its possible

- is it ok just to hold the kit in one hand while I use other items in the other or does it have to be actually "in my active hand" to get +bonus from the item?

is the kit even ingame?  :P

- is LK completely gone from FA formula or not?

Its completely gone, I got a lck one build with 150% first aid and it NEVER fails.  And generally does full heal.
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Re: Medics - once again
« Reply #3 on: July 30, 2010, 01:24:26 am »


- the question if its possible or not is not the question of ones patience but its more about what the game allow us to do.  ;)
- wiki: It can be bought for 2000 caps from "Doc" Andrew.

There are too many "?" around healing stuff in FOnline and I doubt that FA kits or boosting skills over the regular cap will have any effect on the medics "class" as such. It needs some heavy boosting from developers, maybe something like greater CD reduction when the skill gets over certain value or changing the way skill boosting items behave or something like that so we (Priests, Shamans, Monks, Witchdoctors and other healing maniacs) can support our troops properly.
« Last Edit: July 30, 2010, 01:26:26 am by Sius »


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Re: Medics - once again
« Reply #4 on: July 30, 2010, 01:50:35 am »

- is it possible to get over 300 with perks/items? (Theoretically its 300+10+100=410 while "Field Medic FA Kit" does not alter CD. So where is the difference between "capped FA" and "capped FA+equipped FA kit"?

- is LK completely gone from FA formula or not?

I dont know how you counted this 410 but you can have 25% or 50% boost to your FA so its like 450% or more

capped FA increases your healing done

the formula is Random(10+L)*FA skill/100
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Re: Medics - once again
« Reply #5 on: July 30, 2010, 01:08:48 pm »

I dont know how you counted this 410 but you can have 25% or 50% boost to your FA so its like 450% or more

Well 300 is regular cap + 10 (or 20 from medic perk since it should add +20 according to wiki) and + 100 from field medics FA kit. I dunno about any other +25/50 boost. What is it from? Quest/perk/item? Anyway the final number should be around 420 - 470. But still I don't know whenever the skill can be boosted over 300 by perks/items or not. And if yes, then +50/100 from medikits only increase healing done and don't alter any other FA mechanics.

Also what is the "random" scale? 1-10?

Random(10+L)*FA skill/100. Well if the skill can't get over 300 then with random roll 1 we will get "1(10+10LK)*300/100 = 60"
Minimal roll with skill 420 is: "1(10+10LK)*420/100 = 84"
Also if we count in the +8hp from healer perk, then the minimum healed will be always around 100hp and only really rare roll will get you to 92hp.

Still there are too many "?" to know whats going on with FA for sure. Any kind dev willing to help us here and answer the questions so we can be 100% sure what are the possible lowest and highest FA values etc?
Re: Medics - once again
« Reply #6 on: July 30, 2010, 01:35:52 pm »

From what I know, perks that increase skills can't make it go above 300.


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Re: Medics - once again
« Reply #7 on: July 30, 2010, 01:56:39 pm »

Quote from: Changelog
First aid formula:
  * One in twenty attempts is either a critical success, or a critical failure.
  * Whether it's a success or not is determined by a Random(0,11) roll vs. healer's Luck.
  * Critical success heals number of hit points equal to skill level (with bonuses).
  * Critical failure causes weakening and heals Random(1,skill/10) hit points.
  * Non-critical application heals Random(2*skill/5,skill) hit points.

My guess would be that the 300% cap still applies, but you'll need Atom to confirm it.
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Re: Medics - once again
« Reply #8 on: July 30, 2010, 05:41:56 pm »

So it means that with absolute FA powerbuild it looks like this:
- no critical fail, only success
- regular FA heals 120 to 300 HP while crit is 300
- with 2x Healer perk the HP healed scale is 128 to 320
- items and perks won't boost skill above 300 so the minimum HP healed can't be altered this way nor FA CD
- FA CD with 300 skill is somewhere between 70 and 80 seconds (still not accurate info)

Well thats just not worth it, not even a little bit. Maybe if the medic could use FA every 30 secs or introduce long range healing as I've suggested while ago could make a difference but right now absolute godlike FA/DOC char is pretty much useless not to mention it would be pain in the ass to level up such char.

Any change coming this way or will we be stuck with dmg dealer chars forever in PvP? No boosts for support chars planned?
« Last Edit: July 30, 2010, 05:43:42 pm by Sius »


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Re: Medics - once again
« Reply #9 on: July 30, 2010, 05:50:27 pm »

So it means that with absolute FA powerbuild it looks like this:
- no critical fail, only success
No, the roll can give 11, and even with 10 Luck, it will be critical fail ;p (but not much chance)
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Re: Medics - once again
« Reply #10 on: July 30, 2010, 06:12:07 pm »

FA CD was nerfed down again? Im quite sure with max FA you could get 30s...

You can buy Doc bags/First aid kits to increase these skills if you don't have the points available.
25% or 50% increase in skill

quote from Solar

In essence, the lower bound for random is (10+LK)% of the skill value. Having a First Aid Kit or Field Medic Kit in the active slot increase the skill by 25 or 50 percent points respectively and can increase it above 300%

quote from Atom
Chars: Perforator, Penetrator Leaderator
Re: Medics - once again
« Reply #11 on: July 30, 2010, 06:28:43 pm »

I suggest healing without supplies be nerfed drastically.

First Aid kits for treating yellow HP and above. Doctors bags for treating red HP and crippled limbs. Using these bags has no cooldown if you use it on someone else. Using a First Aid Kit consumes one of ten, maybe twenty charges. If you don't have basic skill, you'll just hurt your target instead of healing.

I support long range healing - most games with a healing class have some form of ranged healing. It's a lot less frustrating, and makes the medic role more interesting and active. I can understand why people are divided on it - but I think gameplay comes first.

Think about removing Weakness. All gangs can easily bypass it, and those are the guys I think it was created to slow down.

Merging FA and Doctor would also make being a Medic a much more viable option, as it won't be such a massive skill point sink. Doctor is just a weird leftover appendix of F2. It always seemed bizarre back then. How could I be a great surgeon but not know how to patch up minor wounds? Or how could 250% FA represent less medical knowledge than 80% doctor?
« Last Edit: July 30, 2010, 06:31:32 pm by Badger »


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Re: Medics - once again
« Reply #12 on: July 30, 2010, 06:30:41 pm »

Agreeing with Badger here. If doctors bags/FA kits gave no cooldowns, but were able to be used only by confirmed medics (200%+ in skill ?), then we'll see a Medic class at least.
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Re: Medics - once again
« Reply #13 on: July 30, 2010, 08:00:21 pm »

Well afaik 240 skill has something about 80s cooldown and I was told that increasing it above 220 almost does not change the CD.

Ok so we have 300 base skill and that FA kits should increase the skill above 300 but they don't alter CD. So basically they just increase the minimum HP healed.
Also wiki claims that kits add 50/100 while Atom says its 25/50. I think lower values are the correct ones here. So does Medic perk increase skill above 300 or not?

If the perk also increases skill value above 300 then in best case we should be able to get 320% that affect CD + 50% that don't in total of 370% FA. But still the main drawback of FA skill is its CD. Can anyone confirm the 30 sec CD with maxed skill?
Re: Medics - once again
« Reply #14 on: July 30, 2010, 08:49:21 pm »

this may sound crazy ,but what we remoove natral regen or slow drasticaly. like 10 END will give u 1 point an hour and 1 END smthn 1 point in 4 hours.

but at the end - maken madec a valuable class well lead to increase of alting)
life goes on...
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