Other > Closed suggestions

NPC driven factions recruitment!

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You've said that making "recruitement" in NPC Driven faction is non sense because that's No Player Character... so I don't see your point of playing this game really.
If you're playing it only for PvP or PK I think you shouldn't take part in discussions like this.


--- Quote from: runboy93 on July 29, 2010, 05:07:14 pm ---You know what NPC means?
"No player character" so why they need recruitment?

--- End quote ---

I didnt write NPC faction NPC recruitment  :-X. And yes, the topic is non-player character DRIVEN (managed) factions recruiting players  :-\ I hope it cleared a lot

NPC control and run the faction core wheareas players, instead of NPCs vs NPCs, are the soldiers :p

--- Quote from: Surf Solar on July 29, 2010, 04:42:46 pm ---Similar things are already planned. Wait for future updates.

--- End quote ---

I hope some ideas here will help  ;D

Kraskish, it's clear for almost everyone... except runboy who probably did not read nothing more than title...


--- Quote from: Cha on July 29, 2010, 06:02:38 pm ---Kraskish, it's clear for almost everyone... except runboy who probably did not read nothing more than title...

--- End quote ---
I read it whole text.

Edit: Well it brings atleast something new to game :)

Definitely a nice idea. I hope that one day soon (rather sooner than "soon") we will be able to join whole PC gangs under NPC factions and gain their trust and climb up in the chain of command in military factions or earn their trust and get special bonuses for that. I can already imagine those ways how to roll BoS paladin/scribe/scientist, NCR ranger/city guard,  Enclave patrol etc...

But as it was said there are already plans for NPC factions (since the beginning of the OBT) but something like you described would be really cool and I hope we will get something similar.


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