Other > Closed suggestions
NPC driven factions recruitment!
NPC driven factions now are just for obtaining professions and maybe doing some quests, crafting something, etc. Id like to change that and give other possibilities to enhance the power of staying in NPC driven factions.
1.The idea is to implement RANKS to every main faction
* NCR (NCR caravan, NCR rangers)
* VC (VC Patrol)
* Enclave (Enclave Patrol)
* Raiders (+rogues and other bandits)
* BOS (BOS patrol)
2. Ranks could be settled by:
* foe faction member kill (lets say 1 foe equals 1 rank point)
* quests (could be vs enemy NPCs or PvE) - mainly promotion unlocking quests
3. There would be a daily limit of acquired rank points (lets say 40) so as to not advance too fast in the ranks.
Each promotion should be given after meeting the rank points cap for particular level AND completion of a promotion quest upon which youd be declared of some higher rank.
4A Among the players with highest amount of gained rank points (could be week/month based) special/rare items would be dispensed, lets say:
* 200x5mm AP or JHP (choice, day),
* minigun (week),
* Ranger Armour (2 weeks?/month)
* 50x2mm EC (day),
* PPK12 Gauss Pistol (week/2weeks),
* Gauss riffle (month)
* 100xMFC (day),
* YK32 Pulse Pistol (week),
* Gatling laser (month)
* 100x7.62 ammo or 50x4.7mm caseless(day),
* H&K G11 (week),
* LSW or H&K G11E (2weeks/month ??)
* 200x5mm AP or JHP (choice, day),
* minigun (week),
* Bridgekeeper's Robes (month)
I think this is more or less balanced. This is to encourage players to work for the faction. BOS main prize is quite lame but I couldnt think of anything more or less equal :-\
4B OF COURSE this could be changed to some rank point cap system so that when you acquire enough points you can "spend" them on the prizes, but nontheless you can acquire them only once a day/week/month as above. I guess that would be easier to implement so here it goes:
* day prize - once per day - 40 prize points
* week prize - once per week - 300 prize points
* month prize - once per month - 1200 prize points
1 prize point = 1 rank point. Prize points vanish every month (your rank points do not however)
5. Rank points
While in one of the factions people obtain rank points by doing quests or killing other faction members (NPC encounters) so that:
NCR member kills a member of:
* VC -1 rank point
* Enclave +1 rank point
* Raiders +2 rank points
* BOS -1 rank point
VC member kills a member of
* NCR -2 rank point
* Enclave +1 rank point
* Raiders +2 rank points
* BOS -1 rank point
Enclave member kills a member of
* NCR +1 rank point
* VC +1 rank point
* Raiders -1 rank point
* BOS +2 rank points
Raider member kills a member of
* NCR +2 rank points
* VC +2 rank points
* Enclave -1 rank point
* BOS +2 rank points
BOS member kills a member of
* NCR -1 rank point
* VC -1 rank point
* Enclave +2 rank points
* Raiders +1 rank point
Of course for killing a member of the same faction bears some consequences:
* rank higher than starting rank - downgrade
* starting rank but with some positive (+) rank points - downgraded to 0, no chance for special item during the period
* starting rank with 0 or less rank points - entry to the bounty list (for 20 rank points whoever kills the person first)
* if you have negative points (-) you cant acquire special/rare items (NPCs wont speak to you)
Different NPC factions have different rank systems. The aim of acquiring ranks are rewards (below), but acquisition of rank doesnt mean you'll simply obtain it and then wont do anything (below req). Acquiring a rank of NCR/VC general would mean that every day of real time gameplay youd automatically get -30 rank points that would be drawn for you to replenish (for sake of loyalty - you acquire rank slower and slower). If you dont follow your destiny and your points will fall below 100 points of previous rank (below 7400 in case of NCR/VC general) youd be downgraded to previous rank.
VC, NCR (based on http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Military_ranks):
* private 100 rank points
* corporal - 300 rank points + quest; at least 5 rank points/day
* sergeant - 1000 rank points + quest; at least 10 rank points/day
* captain - 2500 rank points + quest; at least 15 rank points/day
* major - 5000 rank points + quest; at least 20 rank points/day
* colonel - 7500 rank points + quest; at least 25 rank points/day
* general - 10000 rank points + 3 quests; at least 30 rank points/day
Enclave (based on http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Military_ranks)
* private - 100 rank points
* sergeant - 300 rank points + quest; at least 5 rank points/day
* lieutenant - 1000 rank points + quest; at least 10 rank points/day
* captain - 2500 rank points + quest; at least 15 rank points/day
* lieutenant colonel - 5000 rank points + quest; at least 20 rank points/day
* colonel - 7500 rank points + quest; at least 25 rank points/day
* general - 10000 rank points + 3 quests; at least 30 rank points/day
BOS (based on http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Brotherhood_of_Steel_ranks)
* Initiate 100 rank points
* Senior initiate - 150 rank points + quest
* Squire - 300 rank points + quest; at least 5 rank points/day
* Junior knight - 800 rank points + quest; at least 10 rank points/day
* lKnight - 1000 rank points + quest; at least 10 rank points/dayl
* Senior knightl - 1400 rank points + quest; at least 10 rank points/day
* Knight commander - 2000 rank points + quest; at least 15 rank points/day
* Junior Paladin - 3000 rank points + quest; at least 20 rank points/day
* Paladin - 4000 rank points + quest; at least 20 rank points/day
* Paladin commander - 5000 rank points + quest; at least 20 rank points/day
* Paladin lord - 7500 rank points + quest; at least 25 rank points/day
* General - 10000 rank points + 3 quests; at least 30 rank points/day
Raiders' ranks are the only missing, but I guess they could be like below (your imput needed ::))
* Thug - 100 rank points
* Trapper - 250 rank points + quest; at least 5 rank points/day
* Bandit - 500 rank points + quest; at least 5 rank points/day
* Bandit leader - 1000 rank points + quest; at least 10 rank points/day
* Ravager - 2500 rank points + quest; at least 15 rank points/day
* Outlaw - 5000 rank points + quest; at least 20 rank points/day
* Desperado - 7500 rank points + quest; at least 25 rank points/day
* Chieftain/Chief - 10000 rank points + 3 quests; at least 30 rank points/day
7. Rewards For obtaining the particular level of rank points one would get bonuses:
1st Option
* 1000+ NPC Vendor discount (20%?)
* 3000+ some basic ammo x100 or 1 lvl 1 armor/per day
* 5000+ 1x lvl 2 weapon or 1x lvl 2 armor/day
* 8000+ 1x lvl 3 weapon or lvl 3 armor/ 3 days
* Highest rank - special/rare item per week or PA ONCE
2nd Option
* 1000+ NPC Vendor discount (20%?)
* 3000+ some basic ammo x100 or 1 lvl 1 armor in return for 20 rank points (1 day)
* 5000+ 1x lvl 2 weapon or 1x lvl 2 armor in return for 30 rank points (2 days)
* 7500+ 1x lvl 3 weapon or lvl 3 armor in return for 45 rank points (3 days)
* Highest rank - special/rare item for 300 rank points (30 days) or PA for 10100 rank points (downgrade to 0 rank points) ONCE or repeatable (from 0)
I also thought that NCR, VC, BOS could give penalty for PvP (-1 rank point) but Im not sure if thats OK. Of course no + points for Enclave or raiders. That would be too much ;D
The numbers are of course to be adjusted. I probably got them wrong (so much of them xD). Feel free for comment. All credits to Gordulan for the idea. I simply developed the idea further than BoS.
PA would be for acquiring highest rank. According to the idea above it would take 2-3 months of real time gameplay. So dont spam about alting
Similar things are already planned. Wait for future updates.
You know what NPC means?
"No player character" so why they need recruitment?
You know what is RPG?
"Role Playing Game" and FOnline came from Fallout which is RPG.
It's mine 600th post! Let's make a party! ;D
--- Quote from: Pandemon on July 29, 2010, 05:32:44 pm ---You know what is RPG?
"Role Playing Game" and FOnline came from Fallout which is RPG.
It's mine 600th post! Let's make a party! ;D
--- End quote ---
You point?
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