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Author Topic: Loot protection  (Read 2173 times)


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Loot protection
« on: July 27, 2010, 04:28:43 am »

 Demoexpert should craft kind of bomb/trap for protection of items on ground. So if somebody will die, and you want to protect his stuff, just set up this kind of trap over his death hex corpse. Trap shoud be visible, explosion will start immediately, when you will try to take the stuff (mouse, G key or even in his corpse inventory). Only demoexpert will have that ability, to set up or defuse this trap.

 Also, there should exist kind of cooldown for traps set up.

 I think that this could add new role for demoexpert builds in the pvp like scout - sneakers now..
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Re: Loot protection
« Reply #1 on: July 27, 2010, 04:39:29 am »

Greifer alert, Im afraid...
Whenever I say something, imagine \"In my opinion"/ being in the front of every sentence.


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Re: Loot protection
« Reply #2 on: July 27, 2010, 01:11:38 pm »

similarly theft protection (upon stealing an explosive is detonated killing the theft or both). Things that will never be implemented (but would be nice)
Chars: Perforator, Penetrator Leaderator


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Re: Loot protection
« Reply #3 on: July 27, 2010, 01:36:23 pm »

it is absolute uselessly, it is possible to bring a weak player to the victim, to take away a booty, the first dies, takes away a booty the second


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Re: Loot protection
« Reply #4 on: July 27, 2010, 11:01:02 pm »

how many times this line must be told:
"you lost your stuff, you lost it, big deal"
noow you are going to cry?(sr if i had troled)


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Re: Loot protection
« Reply #5 on: July 27, 2010, 11:55:27 pm »

how many times this line must be told:
"you lost your stuff, you lost it, big deal"
noow you are going to cry?(sr if i had troled)

Please learn the language if you want to use it. Seriously man you are talking gibberish in every second topic you post because you don't translate it properly.

As for the suggestion it would be a nice feature for demomans to place traps on things on the ground and it could be a nice tactical advantage. But I'm afraid that its under the sticker "low prio/not needed".

Billy Carter

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Re: Loot protection
« Reply #6 on: July 28, 2010, 01:44:37 am »

Traps everywhere ? Ok, why not, but guy who want set a trap have to make good roll agains guards and all players perception. If they gonna be around. Like thief. And please no more setting/thiefing animations. They always be visible for the rest. This is RPG, we got rolls for everything. Just lets avoid close contacts (one hex), and let our own percepction work for us. Pickpocketing should be invisible if roll was good. (but 150- 180 Steal Skill or less - sorry, no can do, no any chance to not be spotted, when you try pick something heavy. I m not able to fix a  simple Smgs when i got 180 or less in Repair).  I m not thief, and no bomber, but when i see does poor thiefs and all does obvious animations i filll sorry for them.  ;D That is just not fair, unnatural and illogical. And they are some type of klass too. Like others -craftmans, gun holders, and doctors. No need to be such fags about thiefs. Its a really harsh world. Maybe after that, they actually start to act like a real thiefs, make something more like secret society :) , and get some respect. Now they are just some annoyng, smartmouth, to much protected and full visible, fuckers :) And yes, when you catch a thief due to positive perception roll (info with name too) you sholud able to kill him everwhere without any problems. Thats my right here.

And about setting a trap under the body(only), its a nice feature, but i think its not gonna be a vital. But low chance to find stuff (creatures are not gonna eat armors and guns :) ) when someone die in encouter (hearing some noises around when we travel in a world map, something shining spotted in a desert) thats kind of logicall i think. And now we can set a trap under some stuff, hide and just wait ;) Thats how the desert come to live :) (I always wanted some more active wastland) .
And no Sius i dont have a time to translate this post, i m poor and just no english history and literature studding guy. If you now what i mean.
« Last Edit: July 28, 2010, 06:42:19 am by Billy Carter »
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