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Author Topic: Sidekicks, Once Again  (Read 5738 times)


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Sidekicks, Once Again
« on: July 26, 2010, 02:27:42 am »

Again, I go for my wanting of having a permanent companion no matter your charisma is.
For one, it would add more flavour to the game, and you can't really expect for people who want to live in peace to live alone, even in the "new" old west, you need a companion.

So, what I propose is having a location very much like the cafe of broken dreams, but having aspiring "heroes" in it, these "aspiring heroes" defend the pub and there are some posted outside, to ensure that the people looking for a sidekick will be quite safe.

It could be added as a special encounter, or even better, achieved through a quest which anybody can do (even 1 charisma characters without mentats)

The sidekick never really dies, instead, when he/she gets "killed" one can pick him/her up at a specific bar (the town where the bar is varies, therefore making you go that extra mile, pardon the pun, to get em back, you might be unlucky and have him appear in a frequented unguarded own, or you might be lucky and get him in a "deserted" guarded town)  through a dialogue with the barman, where the barman points out that a guy/chick called "name of sidekick" trudged in with deadly wounds and that you have to pay a certain price to let them join you again (costs of rehabilitation and wound treatment), until you decide to pay up the costs they will be "working" their debt off, it could range from 100-4000 caps depending on how gruesome the death was.

The Sidekick doesn't cost any companion slots, and is "free" when he/she joins you. You can choose which kind of sidekick you want (DefaultDude, LonghairDude, DefaultBabe) and you may choose one of several "builds", however, to prevent use of them as a "clone" only small arms will be able to used by them, in other words: Energy Pistols, Pistols, SMGs and Rifles, no heavy weapons at all.

You can "customise" the sidekick with armour and weapons, he/she will change their appearance accordingly depending on what armour they are wearing, much like a player character, they start out with a 10mm /Laser Pistol with 4 mags worth of ammo and a leather jacket, this can then be changed, note that if you tell them to unequip the armour they will wear the vault suit, just like you.

They can't be looted, therefore, they are a cheapish way of keeping your items safe from thieves and pissed off Player Killers.
Just got your first combat armour? Don't worry, your trusty sidekick will keep it completely safe, in fact, they will be better off wearing it since the armour won't deteriorate while they wear it, so give em the most powerful defense equipment you have, it will be worth it.

If they get lost in an encounter, or you have the luck of a dead weasel, they will "reappear" in your party 10 minutes later.
They level up with you, but stick 1 level lower than you do, unless your charisma is high. lv. cap for sidekick: 17+(Charisma/2)
Therefore, a 10 charisma character, upon hitting level 21, your sidekick will magically level up from lvl 19 to lvl 22, making a charismatic character advantageous in terms of having a powerful sidekick, making up for your shitty combat abilities, whereas a 1 charisma character will have his sidekick level up to lvl 18, all because you decided to maximise your combat efficiency, making a 3 charisma character able to get his/her sidekick level up throughout his/her misadventure and ending at lvl 20, instead of 18.

As a side note, each sidekick could have a random backstory, all from being a farmer's son, to a brotherhood of steel/enclave outcast.

Weapons should deteriorate when being used by your dear sidekick.

There is a maximum carry weight (maybe 46 kg?) of course, just to stop em from being mules.

The companions simply leave you with all your valuable stuff if you decide to shoot someone first, once combat is initiated, and not by you, you are free to shoot, maim, or destroy the fucker, stealing stuff in the presence of your companion will also make em leave you, they are not villains, or henchmen, they are sidekicks, some wannabe heroes, not villains, anything disreputable done by you to other players in their presence will make em leave you, call it a divorce, bitch. The sidekick does not loot our corpse however, and he does not shoot thieves, however, you shooting a person tagged as thief, dangerous, or blocker do not count as being disreputable actions.

Plus, you could control how the sidekick reacts in a fight, what enemy he targets, when he would use a stimpack, first aid skill and such (to make it balanced the sidekick only ought to be able to FA im/her-self every 10 minutes. You might also be able to control the frequency of the bursts of the weapon, Ranging from: Always to Never as well as sometimes, sometimes being the curent bursting ratee of the NPCs. Then their tactical ability, choosing from : Snipe The Enemy, Attack Point Blank, Stay Close (5 hexes away).
Plus, a scatter command, he runs 15 hexes away from you, but staying the same distance in terms of hexes to his chosen target. (could be hotkeyed to X as well as being the first action of your sidekick when meeting a hostile party)

I've wanted something like this since the start of the last season, and now, during this season, where I'm a seasoned veteran of warfare in FOnline I would very much like to have something like this implemented, having a companion who is as tenacious as your ingame character, determined not to die and to become more powerful as time goes by.
« Last Edit: July 27, 2010, 12:00:21 pm by gordulan »
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Re: Sidekicks, Once Again
« Reply #1 on: July 26, 2010, 03:18:30 am »

*wishes opon a star*

But the stuff where you cant loot your sidekick is nonsense to be honest, im afraid.  I mean sure pks kill low lvl players all the time and take their shit, but this way no one would be paranoid, no one would scared, no one woud get the rush of having to run away from an almost certain death and loss of everything on you!

Other than that I would love this idea to be implmented, but even 1 charisma guys?  Thats kinda unfair really, I mean their guys wont lvl up maybe 3-4 times correct?  What the hell?  How abou you need at least 3 charisma to even get one, and and you need more and more charisma for it to lvl up more and more, e.g. 3 charisma, max lvl 15, 4 charisma, max lvl 17.
Whenever I say something, imagine \"In my opinion"/ being in the front of every sentence.


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Re: Sidekicks, Once Again
« Reply #2 on: July 26, 2010, 03:39:07 am »

It would put way too much power in the hands of high charisma people, 2 levels difference between the sidekicks more than makes up for the difference between the combat skills of 2 different players, do you think I thought it up while writing, oh no, not at all, I've been working on this for 3 months now, and you can still lose your gear, the shit you have on, and be depraved of your sidekick until you pay the price asked by the NPC, and 2 people are better than one, at least almost always, note that you can still have your mercs, and that will add 1 more "merc" to your alrady crowded possé if you have a sidekick.

The point of making them unlootable is to make the game more user-friendly, I bet you get a kick from shooting little innocent newbies who are trying to get a foothold with your big internet gun. And I never said how much they should be able to carry, it isn't like they are fucking mules, they are your sidekick goddamit.

As I've said, I've pretty much balanced it out over a period of 3 months, that's the reason I haven't really been using the client, in the end I decided to just stop the larger weapons from being used, the heavy energy weapons will do way too much damage, considering the amount of criticals the average critter does, ever had all your limbs crippled by melee slavers near the den in 1 turn?

And the big guns, no fucking way man, it was either choosing to balance out the big guns usage or to think of allowing armour changing. Big gun sidekicks would be too imba, imagine, 1 sidekick with an avenger in BA/PA/HPA, now that is a killing machine of doom and destruction..

so, a 9 charisma character with mag persona can have 5 mercs, and if this is even thought of being implemented you will also have a max lvl22 super soldier on your hands as well.

Take my Tom "Road Warrior" Ace character in my signature, that is something I'd like to test out for a while, a two person squad, where neither can die, before switching the woman into using my HPA for PvP action.

Or even Full Metal Gardeners partrolling NCR, 1 in HPA and 1 in MA Mk2.
« Last Edit: July 26, 2010, 03:55:03 am by gordulan »
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Re: Sidekicks, Once Again
« Reply #3 on: July 26, 2010, 09:12:16 am »

I think this is pretty dumb idea... everybody will be wandering the wastelands with those companions and in addition with the part about companion unlootable, and his items not deteriorating, this game will be no fun... even if I hate PKs killing me with my stuff, with this companion, I can carry anything valuable in his inventory and dont be afraid to lose it, and thats pretty fucked up...
Enzo Wolf
former President of Fenix Trading company
former Trading counsellor of former Gray Rock village :D


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Re: Sidekicks, Once Again
« Reply #4 on: July 26, 2010, 09:44:56 am »

it takes intelligence, and the ability to use the english language if it is gonna be through a quest, and if it will be through a special, hidden encounter only the lcuky few will get em companions, either it si your dedication to questing, or your sheer dumb luck, please, pay attention to everything I write man, all I seem to see that you read was unlootable, there's more to it than that, and I said armour won't deteriorrate, weapons however should... how about a 46 kg limit, you can't really stash but the most important crap, and you'd have to take it from them to trade, al this'll do is to stop random mofos from blasting you to smithereens and taking all your crap when you are transporting it, and or course there will be disreputable actions that will make your dear companion leave you, so, Pks won't be running around with em, and they won't really be used in TC, the main thing is to set a defence for PvE players with this suggestion, and up the people questing, the companion ought to be used as a hunting partner and a bodyguard.

expanding on it right now, read the first post now...
« Last Edit: July 26, 2010, 10:04:20 am by gordulan »
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Re: Sidekicks, Once Again
« Reply #5 on: July 26, 2010, 10:56:23 am »

well if you are saying that you could get this companion in special hidden encounter, then it is not an option for low lvl players and hence pretty useless... players with higher lvl wont need this, although I think many of them want to have a companion as a proof of their uberness  ;D
Enzo Wolf
former President of Fenix Trading company
former Trading counsellor of former Gray Rock village :D


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Re: Sidekicks, Once Again
« Reply #6 on: July 26, 2010, 10:59:24 am »

it could be possible, and then keeping that place of the place where you encountered it, a bit like a personal base, one where you'll get shot for trying to use the containers, could be something interesting to test out, special encounters that stay on your WM and being acessible, but that's a different suggestion, for a different time.
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Re: Sidekicks, Once Again
« Reply #7 on: July 26, 2010, 01:25:31 pm »

Lol Enzo have you read it all through? Gordulan clearly said that sidekicks will be for good players. I approve this idea very much. In fact theres no reward for being good.

As for lootabilitiy - I agree up to Armor being underiorating. Well its like with weapon deterioration of mercs. They even get repaired! Why not. Armor stays no matter what. As for other parts of inventory - items in hands shouldnt be lootable but other items in the inventory - yes.

Btw 1 CHA = 17+0,5 = 17,5 level :p not 19
3 CHA = 17+1,5= 18,5 not 20
Chars: Perforator, Penetrator Leaderator


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Re: Sidekicks, Once Again
« Reply #8 on: July 26, 2010, 02:35:58 pm »

it is player level -1 ,the merc stops leveling once the 1 charisma player reaches lvl 19, in other words, 18, I like to round up from 0.5 I should have rephrased that though, you're right, it's confusing, because I went halfway with the actuall merc levels and then wen after player levels, i'll change it, just to be perfectly clear...
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Re: Sidekicks, Once Again
« Reply #9 on: July 26, 2010, 03:23:17 pm »

I like it, the wastes can be lonely when your friends dont come online :( plus i like hunting stuff and a sidekick would be cool :D
<[DoW]Dragon> TTTLA -> Fags that just shoot everyone and say 'SOZ THOUGHT U WAS PK' and keep your loot.
<Tissi> i was walking around with a fucking sledge and bluesuit and they shout " u a pk" and shoot


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Re: Sidekicks, Once Again
« Reply #10 on: July 26, 2010, 11:45:05 pm »

I see just one flaw in the whole idea: TC and unguarded towns

So youre a good guy for some time and youre going to participate in TC (youre the defender and you and your gang are the only people there) you and your sidekick go in there and wait for someone to attack you. You have advantage because of the sidekick and he will support you if you get hit first.

The same for unguarded towns and mines, which can be pretty lame
Chars: Perforator, Penetrator Leaderator
Re: Sidekicks, Once Again
« Reply #11 on: July 27, 2010, 12:26:15 am »

but with that in mind, many other people will have a Sidekick too? and since the Sidekicks are in the same Group as the player, the sidekicks will fight too :D
<[DoW]Dragon> TTTLA -> Fags that just shoot everyone and say 'SOZ THOUGHT U WAS PK' and keep your loot.
<Tissi> i was walking around with a fucking sledge and bluesuit and they shout " u a pk" and shoot


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Re: Sidekicks, Once Again
« Reply #12 on: July 27, 2010, 09:55:24 am »

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Re: Sidekicks, Once Again
« Reply #13 on: July 27, 2010, 11:47:23 am »


You wrote how he would react/behave in combat - ok. But what about TC, unguarded towns, mines?
Chars: Perforator, Penetrator Leaderator


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Re: Sidekicks, Once Again
« Reply #14 on: July 27, 2010, 11:53:15 am »

well, they're there to support you in the first place, I don't really see them running about in TC, it's already unbalanced enough with them gangs having impenetrable shacks of doom and destruction, and I'd hate to have the rogues suddenly double their numbers for TC, al they'd be used for in TC would be Meat shields vs. minigunners.

one  more update coming up, I'm totally ddicated to this cause, even more than to having power armour being obtainable through being a ranked member of BOS
« Last Edit: July 27, 2010, 12:03:48 pm by gordulan »
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