Check a movie called nineteen eighty four. after a nuclear war the world is divided into 3, the area where this movie takes place is called oceania. The people are kept as slaves and are fed propaganda through the telescreen ( a t.v. and surveillance video camera in one). They also have something called thoughtcrime police as in this future the ones in control do not want the people to do any thinking against the rulers. A man tries to save and free the people. thie movie is a real mind fuck. also kinda creepy relevance to today's modern world.
I would recommend the book over the movie.
The concept of the film arose from a joke Tom Six made with friends about punishing child molesters by stitching their mouth to the anus of a fat truck driver
When approaching investors prior to filming, Six did not mention the mouth-to-anus aspect of the plot, fearing it would put off potential backers. The financiers of The Human Centipede did not discover the full nature of the film until it was complete.
Oh I almost forgot: -> The Human Centipede
wouldn't the 2nd and 3rd die from eating shit?