Other > Suggestions

More shooting options for SG EW and BG

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--- Quote from: Tomowolf on July 24, 2010, 01:59:11 pm ---Edit: If you think if its simulation - fine - just add "often broking gun in fight" or "repair the sniper rifle lock while TC fight" :) now you see - its not real guns simulation :P

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I see you don't know anything about war
of course it can't be "often broken gun in fight" becouse soldiers must clean their guns very often (except russians and other people who use ak-47 unbrekable weapon ^^)
M60 can't shoot too in single mode ;p
about lsw idk becouse lsw is type not a weapon in real ;p

it is, check this out.


Yeah i wanted to post that LSW is real weapon - and it have scope in game - so we can make it more usefull :).
About M60 i didn't know - thanks to say me that.

Also i saw movie Full Metal Jacket - and i know what is discipline - but the world is harasher - and we dont have it - so if you want clean it use repair on it ( something like - if weapon is more detoriatet , or used , it parts will break faster or block in weapon and you will need to clean it,repair it)

Ned Logan:
I dunno about these suggestions, IMHO the current system is complex enough (simple and fast)...
What I would like though is if the range of weapons was removed and instead each weapon would have its specific fuctions:
a) damage - distance
b) chance of hit - distance


--- Quote from: gordulan on July 24, 2010, 04:32:39 pm ---it is, check this out.


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yea this is ONE of the Light Support Weapons
check this out
(before some posts I wanted post from wiki about SA80 but I saw on pictures some diffrent things from LSW from FOnline but I dont remember that now ;p)


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