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Best Silent Hill game?

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so its good? ive always wanted to try it but got turned off by the lack of combat... i didn't really feel that that would be realistic

To be honest, I found the combat in all Silent Hill games more annoying and sometimes even atmosphere breaking, but that's just me. And no, I don't own a Wii, never played that one. Just saw a Review Video and it looked really good.

well, combat is soo american cliché, just look at what blue byte did to make the settlers more accomodating to americans, we got settlers 5 out of it...

ditty smalls:

--- Quote from: corosive on August 07, 2010, 02:21:40 am ---heard of the new one for the wii? no combat what so ever.....

--- End quote ---
It looks really great. I'm in favour of it.

--- Quote from: Michaelh139 on August 07, 2010, 01:51:57 am ---I can only play really scary games when I'm pissed.

*Shoves a crowbar in that scary junkie's head.*  "Bwahahahah who's scary now!?"

--- End quote ---

thats the game i was trying to remember! mike u shuld def play that game

I really wish they would make a silent hill game thats like condemned

still havent tried the wii version yet, and theres a new SH movie coming out soon! based on the second one i believe.... http://www.gamespot.com/news/6163606.html



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