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Best Silent Hill game?

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i really tried to play that one... I got like maybe half way into the mall and just gave up... :( wish I could have just watched someone play that game... it's just one of those games thats a little boring to play but great to watch, like Diablo 2 lol.


--- Quote from: corosive on August 06, 2010, 09:59:09 pm ---i really tried to play that one... I got like maybe half way into the mall and just gave up... :( wish I could have just watched someone play that game... it's just one of those games thats a little boring to play but great to watch, like Diablo 2 lol.

--- End quote ---

It gets way better after the mall. :) SH3 had some great areas (read: scary), which brought you a good gameplay, and good experience.

I can only play really scary games when I'm pissed.

*Shoves a crowbar in that scary junkie's head.*  "Bwahahahah who's scary now!?"

Silent Hill has pretty awesome atmosphere, and you can't survive everything by: RRRAAAAAARRRRRR  TATATATTATATTATT.

heard of the new one for the wii? no combat what so ever.....

The combat was always just a side-effect of the games. Don't have a problem with a non-combat game with this franchise.


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