Other > Suggestions

Looting / picking up items while sneaking.

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Add new feature to explosives. We should be able to shoot rockets and throw grenades WITHOUT target. F.e. enemy is hiding in the building near windows so I'll give him few plasma nades through the window and hit everything in range.

Same goes pretty much for any weapon. So lets say maybe through ALT/CTRL we would shift into "no-target-required" shooting mode, and when we click at some direction while holding ALT/CTRL, our avatar will simply shoot at that direction without aiming.

This will solve your thief problem not to mention it will make combat more tactical/flexible. Also I can imagine "fullout" shooting. Lets say that ALT will work as described above, while CTRL will work similar, but it will queue our commands and then execute them all at once. F.e. when i have minigun in my hands and I know, that there are enemies sneaking somewhere in front of me, then I'll press CTRL and while holding it I will click on 3 different hexes around my char and when I release the button the char will immediately start executing queued actions (in this case 3x burst). And if my APs are not enough to execute all queued actions, then they will go under 0 to negative values and then recharge at certain (slover/normal?) rate.

Damn I like this idea... I'll make a separate suggestion with graphics for it asap :D.


--- Quote from: Izual on July 23, 2010, 11:19:15 am ---Agreed (Wasn't there a thread about that already ? :|).
So we'll be back to sneaky looters problem. Instead of tagging sneak+outdoorsman+guns, they'll tag sneak+steal+guns or something like that. I'm for first solution.

--- End quote ---
there is the third method.
I think that the undeservedly forgotten sensor of motion will remedy balance.
I would like to see who shoots in me.
and yet...
to fire off is it needed to place a point into a breech-sight in the contour of purpose, this point is very small,is it possible to do this point on all breech-sight?

Ned Logan:
Heh the motion sensor combined with the blind shooting feature Suis suggests could be interesting.
Anyway motion sensor would make PKing miners very easy, so I would not be too glad if it was in game.

Somethink like in Fallout Tactics ? I like it !

Sneaking being used to steal, what will they think of next?  ::)


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