Other > Suggestions

Looting / picking up items while sneaking.

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Since sneak skill was started to be used again, there is a problem involving "items from the ground disappearing", masses of sneak looters waiting on worldmap, so in case someone dies, he relogs to his sneaker to loot the shit out of the battlefield.

Sometimes you just see as stuff disappears from the ground, but you are unable to see or shoot the one who is picking it up. When they see you are closing by, they just run away. Even if you are able to see the guy for a moment, he can run past you and 3 hexes after that he's no longer visible. You try to catch him but it's too late.

So, sneak skill has become somehow stealing skill when it comes to take stuff away from the battlefield.

I suggest two possible solutions to this problem:

1. When you pick items from the ground or loot someone's corpse, your sneak is automatically deactivated. You can activate it again on normal conditions.

2. When you pick items from the ground or loot someone's corpse, there is made a check involving your Steal skill (for every item taken). If you succeed, your sneak is still on, but if you fail - your sneak is deactivated. There is no option for anyone to have super-high Sneak and super-high Steal skills at the same time, so if someone is planning to make 300 sneak 300 steal char, then.. well, yeah. Also, if someone wants to have sneaking thief, then he will be unable to make him a fighter (as a grenadier) too.

Before someone attacks me personally that I only use my dumb big gunner build, I would like to say that I have my sneak alt for at least 3 months and I was able to steal fuckloads of stuff on numerous occasions.

Also please don't post here about "BGs on sneak are unbalanced" or "sneak is overpowered" or some kind of such shit, this thread is only about looting and picking up items while sneaking. IMO sneak is balanced at the moment.

well, b/c preview was disabled during tc, sneak was brought back to life, gms or devs wanted people to use it for scouting purposes, we ended up with tons of sneak fighters and looters, a guy with 300 sneak and an avenger in hand, u think its not possible, u are wrong unless u are a crazy guy with 12 Perception. Fighters with lsws or avengers on jets shooting from 3 hexes are the last thing u are gonna see before the next respawn u can wear bh do whatever u want, the fighting ground retreating or starting a combat its all up to the sneaker, on top of that he can loot whatever he wants as Killgore said even if u see that stuff is disappearing u cannot do too much, he already see u if u go after him he will run away,
thats why im against changing drugs system, its gonna end up in the same way, u change something without thinking about other aspects of the game

well, there is one simple solution, anything inside the  inventory of the sneaker is enough to turn his sneak off, no more looting no more fighting, pure scouting

at the moment, yes, sneak is a bit imbalanced, you have ghosts running around the battlefield taking whatever they want, there should be some form of restrictions to it, much as kilgore's first point, and maybe disable sneak while having a big gun in one of your active slots?


--- Quote from: gordulan on July 23, 2010, 07:58:54 am ---at the moment, yes, sneak is a bit imbalanced, you have ghosts running around the battlefield taking whatever they want, there should be some form of restrictions to it, much as kilgore's first point, and maybe disable sneak while having a big gun in one of your active slots?

--- End quote ---

I thought carried items weight affects sneak skill? not? or was it just a suggestion?


--- Quote ---1. When you pick items from the ground or loot someone's corpse, your sneak is automatically deactivated. You can activate it again on normal conditions.
--- End quote ---

Agreed (Wasn't there a thread about that already ? :|).

--- Quote ---Also, if someone wants to have sneaking thief, then he will be unable to make him a fighter (as a grenadier) too.
--- End quote ---
So we'll be back to sneaky looters problem. Instead of tagging sneak+outdoorsman+guns, they'll tag sneak+steal+guns or something like that. I'm for first solution.


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