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Author Topic: banned without kinda reason  (Read 3716 times)

banned without kinda reason
« on: January 10, 2010, 02:55:04 pm »

er...what am i able to talk about it? i just could play fonline today and registered, and logined.
AND...banned by ghostick or somewho developer. how can it be?...didnt the developers understanded stupid english skill
or...he/she is hating korean? ip is banned anyway and wanna ask about what happend to me. even my duration is
9999999 hours around. if it was mistake, i want to say sorry to developers and users of fonline ( including server problem ) but if it wasnt, please tell me whats wrong with me. if im having a problem i will try to fix it and play fonline proudly. question. do i need to download new version of fonline?..i saw blog and developers got sometin new....ah...jejus/


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Re: banned without kinda reason
« Reply #1 on: January 10, 2010, 04:08:43 pm »

You most probably logged in with user "login" and password "password". This one is banned for 999999whatever hours.
Re: banned without kinda reason
« Reply #2 on: January 10, 2010, 05:51:09 pm »

You need to click register, create a character with a name and password and then change the default login name and password to the one you created.


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Re: banned without kinda reason
« Reply #3 on: January 11, 2010, 10:25:33 pm »

You most probably logged in with user "login" and password "password". This one is banned for 999999whatever hours.
I created this character to make it easier to explain to the players about updating the cache when they have the login window always says 'error'.
and to simplify this is the most updated
я создал этого персонажа для того, чтобы проще было объяснить игрокам про обновление кэша когда у них в окне регистрации везде написано 'error'.
и чтобы упростить это самое обновление
I'm sorry for my poor English. Please correct me, I will learn
"Hell," said Tanner. "That's my name...." (с)


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Re: banned without kinda reason
« Reply #4 on: January 11, 2010, 10:26:53 pm »

AND...banned by ghostick or somewho developer. how can it be?...
Sorry, but I wanted to say that this Developer's name isn't ghostick but Ghosthack. Ghostick looks like a porn-nickname =|
My Youtube channel.

"Another problem is that we listen to the vocal players, who in many cases are wrong-headed."
- J.E. Sawyer
Re: banned without kinda reason
« Reply #5 on: January 15, 2010, 09:39:44 am »

And Izual is in his spirit again :D.
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