Other > Suggestions

New Player Vault

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why not just call it Huntington?

Ok, let me say it again: The Vault is not there to give the new player starting items.  Say it again with me. Ok? Done. 

It is there to Teach, if they want to learn it and require it.  That is the point of a tutorial.  Hides can be gained easily outside of the vault, or in a friendly town like NCR if one simply asks.  Heck, now with moving boxes, its easy as ever to pay for them if people ask for payment. 

Now say it again: The Vault does not give you stuff, the Vault gives you knowledge. >:(

Ned Logan:
If you want to go with the brahmin hunting quest idea, you can just swap the location, instead of vault it being a slaughterhouse...

Also remember, having a tent is optional, it's just a feature and not mustbe, I've even got a char on 21 lvl that doesn't have a tent because it doesn't need it...


--- Quote from: Ned Logan on July 21, 2010, 03:09:02 pm ---If you want to go with the brahmin hunting quest idea, you can just swap the location, instead of vault it being a slaughterhouse...

--- End quote ---

I mean all the hides starting from 10 would be taken by the NPC guy who would let you go to another level.

 And if its possible exp points would get back to normal after or every player would have its own vault with 1 or 10 brahmins there and the task would be to bring a brahmin hide to NPC to go further.


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