Other > Suggestions

Idea to nerf drugs, anti-powerbuilding

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--- Quote from: Pozzo on July 20, 2010, 08:02:39 pm ---Yeah, Jet is shit (I mean in fallout games).
But.... antidote exists :)

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So lets say you are only suffering the bad effects of jet after taking how ever many times, if.. IF the antidote was reimplemented maybe if you took the antidote and there was a cooldown.. of maybe 3 days Real Time then you could become readdicted with full effects, balanced no?  It would give others a chance not to get mowed down 24/7 by those builds because they will have to take long breaks eventually.

There are three possible solutions for me:

1. You throw out all drugs with bad effects from the game, leaving Nuka-Cola and Cigs - that is what we definetly should test, it is a BETA right?

2. You rework drugs to give a player possibility to play without bad effects.
For example by moving all craftable 3rd lvl drugs to 2nd lvl, and adding drugs without bad effects to 3rd lvl.
There are many possibilities to balance it, it is just an example.

3. You leave drugs like are they now, or rework strenght of drugs, bad effects timeouts, stats added or strenght of bad effects. It doesnt matter, it won't change anything.

As long as there is a possiblity to farm drugs in game, people fighting in TC will play using drugged chars.


--- Quote from: Lordus on July 20, 2010, 05:28:54 pm --- you are so theoretical, go away from home and than, with more experience, give us real feedback ;)

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What about some real reasons why I'm wrong, Mr. Fighting-For-New-PvP-On-Forum-And-Not-Present-In-Any-Battles-In-Game ?

If you think that psycho bg with tesla is overpowered or invincible, then it only shows how a bad player in PvP you are. I forgot to mention shots bypassing armors, causing knockouts, using frag grenades to throw him on the ground, make false attacks which force him to take drugs, then wait till withdrawal... really if such methods to deal with psycho bg on jets are too difficult for you then I don't know what you have learned by fighting in PvP fights during last year.


--- Quote from: Gatling on July 20, 2010, 07:52:11 pm ---Psycho and Jet taken at the same time should automatically kill a person.  Both are highly addictive, strong drugs that mess with the body.  How does taking both of them not totally FUBAR a person's biology?  

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All PVP players of TC gang have more of 1 PVP powerbuild, we will just relog another one. Cooldown is a bad idea to, when we are in down we do nothing or we change char, so at the end is not really a malus, only a waste of time.

again people who dont fight pvp want to do some changes, drugs are good as they are, if a guy takes lets say 2 psycho and 2 jets which is 1400+ (lets say 2* 350) =2100 and he still can be instakilled  or kept on the ground with knockdows while u wear ur leather armor and a hunting rifle worth 3k ....

srsly no matter how much i spend, no matter what i wear i still can be killed by a noob with a shitty tier 1 gun, it must be changed, unless we want to see swarms of noobs during TC, atm the best tactic is get as many people as possible, stuff even drugs is not so important


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