Other > Tools and Modifications
GUI program for NameColorizing.txt
--- Quote ---This is probably due to this feature: "2) Possibility to merge 2 or more files in one."
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No, it was bug and now it is fixed.
--- Quote ---Nice work - if you want any help feel free to ask. I sent you file as you requested.
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Thanks. As I suspected program does not convert UTF-8(Google) in CP-1251(FOnline) in not Russian verion of Windows.
--- Quote from: vad on January 10, 2010, 02:55:17 pm ---Thanks. As I suspected program does not convert UTF-8(Google) in CP-1251(FOnline) in not Russian verion of Windows.
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Generally, it is ANSI (I mean default encoding on Windows for given language) what FOnline is using when saving file. So on Czech Windows, the encoding is CP-1250.
It seems a have won battle: Me VS UTF-8&CP-1251. Also in new version added two options for saving files: "replace space by ?" and "replace & by ?". My goal in next version is to prevent possibility to have doubles of players and colors.
But because of work I can't tell when I will have time to make new version.
I have done all that I wanted. New versions will appear only after bug reports or suggestions.
--- Quote from: vad on January 23, 2010, 06:53:59 pm ---I have done all that I wanted. New versions will appear only after bug reports or suggestions.
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For editing lists now its perfect, but for creating new ones its pain... so I have one suggestion - it would be nice to be able to add more nicks at once (maybe based on txt files with nicks, like in my simple console program that I made some time ago: http://www.nma-fallout.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=53237).
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